The Higher-Self (aka, the Subconscious or SC) always knows what it’s doing and how to help. In QHHT, Higher-Self is the director of the entire session from its inception, when a client is drawn to working with a certain practitioner and decides to schedule an appointment, all the way to the end of the after-talk and beyond.
With that said, as a practitioner, it is interesting to find out the real reason a client has entered into the sphere. When paying close attention, we can see there’s always a reason and it may not necessarily turn out to be for the reason the client thinks.
Since practicing QHHT full-time for a few years now, I’ve learned the QHHT modality isn’t just for finding our cosmic origins and time-travel to other-worldly dimensions. Not everyone is ready for this kind of experience until they have let go of what’s weighing them down.
Lately, there has been a client trend that bears mention. This trend of individuals has been finding personal transcendence through old timelines in their current lives.
Case in point: The client is induced into a hypnotic state and lands in a “scene.” When describing the scene, the client realizes this is a memory of a trauma or a disappointment from their past that was experienced in the current lifetime. This usually happens when one has not yet healed the wounds of the attachment to the story. The client has brought this trauma into the present and, like most of us, reacts through a self-conditioned response that originates from past wounding. I question the client in order for them to experience, deeply and emotionally, the entire story, in as much detail as possible.
After the client has completed describing the story and has felt the emotions fully connected to that story, the HS is accessed. It will then ask the client to relay the story again and imagine it by seeing and fully experiencing it while changing all the events in the story, to their liking, leading up to and including the way they want the new outcome to occur. This re-patterns the feelings associated with the story and the client always begins to see things from a different perspective. The client imprints the timeline with a much better emotion, and the outcome is exactly as they want it.
The intention of this re-patterning is very healing on many dimensions of ones experience. Clients have reported this has helped them refrain from being unconsciously reactive to present situations that may trigger the old experience.
Further, I ask the higher-self if this would be a good time to do a body scan. If it is, I ask the HS where this wounding is located in the body. Once this stuck energy is identified, the HS has always cleared it.
I have found in discussing the incident with the HS and in the after-talk, the client begins to realize how their own behavior has kept them in the original story with a continuous loop of victimization. With this new understanding, they are empowered to place the past in its proper perspective and move forward in their lives.
This technique is beneficial for anyone who has a habit of hanging onto grievances or has difficulty recovering from a major loss that one has buried deep within themselves which may be causing harm in one way or another. In most cases, the harm shows up in dysfunctional relationships of all kinds as well as manifestations of addictions, obsessions, and even disease. It empowers the client to let go of negative emotions and helps them move forward in a way that they are no longer tethered to the wounds from the past.
The following are negative conditions that can be helped by this process during a QHHT session:
PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder)/Trauma
Apathy and indifference
Fears and phobias
Lack of authentic self-worth
General stuck in life
By using this technique under the direction of the HS, clients have reported feeling like a “weight has been lifted.” Results have been feeling more joy and happiness, feeling distance from the past, living in the present moment more, complete forgiveness of self and others, clearer thinking and more harmonious relationships.
In love and truth,

QHHT Level 3 Practitioner
Geogretown (Austin area), Texas USA
Lovely article Lori,
Enjoyed reading, thank you.
Loved your article it helped me to understand why my sister didn’t go to a PL. She was stuck in this current life.
After the session she had a grudge against the father and more angry than ever. It made me wonder the benefit of her session.
Next time that we repeat a session I will try that technique. You had a quick thinking.
We can learn from each other. Thank you so much for sharing.
I really love this Lori. Thank you. Just to clarify. Was it the SC who came up with this idea for the client to re-visualize the story the way she would have preffered things to turn out? I wouldn’t think this to be something we could lead a client to do on our own. I would imagine this would be extremely healing for the client and if the SC doesn’t mention it, might it be something we could ask for?