Angels are spiritual beings of unconditional love who help humanity fulfill their life’s purpose. They often communicate with us using angel signs. There are many different reasons these signs are given to us, sometimes to remind us we are loved and supported, in other times to indicate we are on the right path but some are warning signs from angels. Either way, these divine messages are signs of an angel watching over you, to protect and support you through life.
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What are angel signs and symbols?
They bring us uplifting messages of hope and wisdom to help us get through tough periods in our lives, as well as cautions to keep us safe. The signals might be subtle – a suggestion, a nudge, or a tingling sensation, for example. Or they can be more visually obvious in the case of orbs, numbers, and flashes of light.
An angel is a supernatural spiritual being who, according to various religions, is God’s servant. What do angels look like? They are often depicted as benevolent celestial intermediaries between God and humanity. They protect humans and work for our peace and happiness and help us fulfill our life’s mission on earth.
The messages or signs may seem unusual, and they may be repeated often or spaced out over a period of time.
Why are angels leaving signs for me?
Angels are filled with unconditional love for all humans on Earth. When an angel gives you a sign, such as the 1111 angel number, it is because they want to help guide you back into alignment with your purpose or highest potential in this lifetime. Angels know your heart’s desires, your dreams, your true feelings, your fears, your flaws, your strengths, and your weaknesses. They often come to us in difficult times, when we are feeling lost and hopeless, to give us love and support, and remind us we are not alone.
If you have been seeing angel signs, it could mean you are going through a spiritual awakening. Angels may be sending you spiritual advice that can help you make life decisions, understand your life purpose, your goals, and your soul mission.
If you are receiving angel messages but are unsure why you could ask angels to show you a sign that will help understand the deeper meaning. Or you could ask them a specific question, either by writing it down or saying it out loud.
8 telltale signs of an angel watching over you
1. Angel Numbers
Angel numbers are a form of guidance to help you on your journey through life. Each sequence of numbers has a unique meaning and sacred message for you. They appear as a set of repeating numbers from 1-9. They sometimes appear as a sequence of numbers, such as 123.
It might be more than a coincidence if you keep seeing the same number or set of numbers. They can be found all around us in common places such as license plates or phone numbers. When you see an angel number, take a moment to pause and try to notice what the angels may be wanting you to become aware of.
The number 11, in particular, is a sign with multiple meanings, it is an awakening. Your angels are begging you to “wake up,” either spiritually or to a truth you are avoiding (like a toxic relationship you should leave). If you want to know what the numbers mean, you can search for angel numbers and their meanings and look for the ones you have been seeing. In particular, 111 Angel number has much significant meaning.
2. White Feathers
Angels have long been associated with white feathers, so be mindful of their possible presence wherever you are. Angels’ protection is symbolized by feathers, which may also indicate love and support from the angels in your life, just like comforting wings.
Collecting them, revisiting them, and holding one when you wish to draw the attention of an angel who can provide wisdom is an excellent idea. Don’t only look for real feathers; white feathers on clothes, buildings, or other items might also indicate towards signs an angel is protecting you.
3. Flashes of Light
Angel symbols can sometimes appear as flashes of light or sparkles. They can be brilliant white or colorful, and they usually appear out of the corner of your eye rather than in the center of your field of vision.
It is believed that the hue of the light you see might reveal information about what the angel wants to communicate to you. The color orange, for instance, represents optimism or positivity; green, on the other hand, is associated with increased strength; and blue or purple, is a reminder to be calm.
4. Orbs
Orbs are simply energetic light spheres. You may have seen them in your photographs, experienced them during meditation, or gotten a glimpse of them in your peripheral vision.
Orbs also appear, as a manifestation of the high vibrational energy signature of Angels, Ascended Masters, and Spiritual Beings.
Angel Orbs are often bigger and more brilliant in appearance than orbs associated with a person’s chakras, moods, and state of being. It makes sense when you consider that they are vibrating at greater levels of love and light, that their energy manifests as very brilliant orbs.
5. Physical sensations
Do you ever experience unexplained physical sensations? They could be messages from the angels. Tingling sensations, sudden chills, or even something as bold as a poke are common ways that angels try to grab our attention. They may even cause you to wake up suddenly at night.
When you feel these sensations, you should pay closer attention to what you’re seeing or thinking. Chills and tingles might also be an indicator that you’re on the correct track. For example, if you’re interviewing for several jobs and one of them gives you shivers, this may be the one meant for you.
6. Angel clouds
Angel figures, heart shapes, flowers, and other symbols may appear in the clouds. Angels prefer to utilize clouds to send us messages, according to Doreen Virtue, the originator of Angel Therapy, since they are easy to shape in any manner and are lovely to look at.
They can come as a direct response to a question or be a special reminder that you are loved and on the right path. So next time you are outside, take the time to look up for this beautiful form of angel communication.
7. Butterflies and Dragonflies
Angelic manifestations on Earth are frequently linked to the natural world. Angels may be nearby and watching over you if butterflies or dragonflies appear to be drawn to you or if you spot them in a large group.
Collecting items with butterfly and dragonfly imagery can draw angelic energy to you. These animals are messengers and intimately connected to the energy of angelic guardians.
8. Synchronicities
Synchronicity is the feeling that everything in your life is “syncing up” or “aligning” in a way that science or reason can’t explain. For example,
The best way to start noticing synchronicities is to be aware of what is going on around you.
Notice things that repeat, this could be in things you see or hear. It could be in events, such as running into the same person over and over again. This indicated you have a very strong connection with the other person.
Whatever the synchronicity may be, take note, and even write it down. They are signs that you are being drawn towards that particular thing in order to teach you something or align with your life purpose.
6 warning signs from angels
Things you should know:
- • Angel warning signs may manifest as unexpected disruptions or unusual events in your life.
- • Pay attention to your intuitive sense of alarm or discomfort when something feels off or out of place. Especially when it comes to loved ones, like family or friends.
- • Angel warning signs often appear repeatedly or in different forms to capture your attention. Even a certain song that repeatedly plays on the radio could be a sign. If you’re wondering “can angel numbers be a warning?” Yes, they can!
- • If you feel you’ve received an angel warning sign, take immediate action to assess the situation.
When you start asking angels for guidance and become aware of their messages, they will start giving you more and more signs to guide you in life. As listed previously, there are many common signs that angels are sending you messages. Some of these signs are intended to warn you of impending danger.
If you ignore the subtle signs you’ve been hoping to receive, the angels will offer you warning signs and messages. If you keep being unable to understand the message, they’ll attempt other approaches.
Angel warning signs are the angel’s way of protecting you from harm or helping you make the right choices. When you think you are receiving one, pause and evaluate the current situation you are in. What are you doing? Who are you with or what were you thinking of?
1. Solar Plexus
When you get butterflies or a knot in your stomach, it’s a sign from the angels that things aren’t quite right. Your angels may be reminding you to be cautious and mindful of your surroundings through your Solar Plexus chakra.
When you get a knot in your stomach when you’re near someone, it’s a sign from the angels that you should be cautious around them or restrict the amount of time you spend with them.
2. Hearing Voices
Don’t worry, if you are hearing voices that seem to come from nowhere it does not mean you are losing your mind. These are often powerful messages from angels or spirit guides. Some messages can be positive and reassure you that you are on the right path, whereas others can be distinct warnings to redirect your course.
How to tell the difference? Trust your gut! What was the tone of the voice and how did it make you feel? Similar to how someone would warn you in a dangerous situation, the tone will be serious and have a sense of urgency. It may even make the hairs on your neck stand up and alert you to danger.
3. Dreams or Premonitions?
Dreams are one of the most common methods angels use to communicate with us. When the human ego is sleeping, we are typically more open to communication from spirit.
A premonition is a dream about an event occurring before it occurs, such as a car crash or death of a loved one – it is not unusual to have feelings of anxiety and fear after such dreams.
Ask yourself the questions, seek clarification about the situation, and then take action. Dreams and forebodings are supposed to assist you in sorting through your thoughts and feelings before deciding what steps to take, not to rule your life.
4. Bizarre Disruptions
One of the most common warning signs used by the angels to grab your attention is unexplainable technical problems. Once you’re out of harm’s way, the mechanical problem usually goes away on its own, or a human angel emerges with a rapid cure.
Some of these weird delays include a bus or train that is running late, canceled flights, and unexpected bad weather. When these things happen, relax and search for the deeper significance in these signs or situations; there is always one.
5. Warnings from other people
The Angels often use other people to warn you of possible dangers. Someone could warn you about taking a certain path or a loved one may urge you to stay home.
Are angel numbers warnings? Often you may receive several warnings from different sources. Do yourself a favor and heed those warnings! Your life or someone else’s may depend on it.
6. Losing your keys
This is a very common way angels try to warn you about potential danger. You may have placed your keys in the same spot that you always do, but as soon as it comes time to leave, they seem to have vanished into thin air.
Whenever your keys go missing, give yourself permission to either be late or reschedule the plans for another day. After an hour or two, you may notice they have reappeared in a place you were sure you had checked before.
What happens if I ignore guardian angel signs?
As the name suggests, Guardian Angels are sent to protect and guide us in life. They always have your best interest in mind. They know what you desire and your life purpose, and can help align you with these goals. They also know when you are in danger and will do everything in their power to warn you of any potential threats.
Keeping a lookout for signs you are protected by angels- it could be the difference between life and death. That is why it is so important to learn the signs and start becoming familiar with them. The more you practice becoming attuned to signs your guardian angel is trying to contact you, the easier it will become to notice the messages and the more frequent they will appear to be.
So what will happen if you ignore angel signs? Firstly, they will become more persistent! Angels are tenacious beings and they will not give up on you easily. If you ignore a sign from an angel it will appear more frequently and may escalate in scale. For example, if you are about to make a business agreement with a dishonest individual who intends to betray you, the first sign may be a small amount of discomfort in your stomach during each interaction with the individual. But as time goes by, and you continue to proceed with the negotiations, the angels may grab your attention by disrupting your attempts to contact or meet up with the individual by hiding your mobile phone or car keys.
If you fail to heed the warning signs, they will persist and become more and more disruptive and loud. Have you ever heard the phrase, “take the path of least resistance”? It encourages us to not force life to go according to our plans but to align with opportunities that come with ease and accept them when things don’t go to plan. Consider anything that isn’t working out as well as you had intended, the gentle hand of an angel guiding you to something better.
What are some bad angel numbers?
Angel numbers are believed to convey messages from divine sources, including warnings when certain numbers or sequences appear. Often, numbers like 666, 777, or 999 might carry negative connotations based on cultural or religious interpretations. These numbers can serve as warnings of potential challenges, spiritual disconnection, or the need for caution in decisions. For instance, seeing 666 could signal materialism or imbalance, urging one to refocus on spiritual growth. It’s essential to approach these signs with openness and reflection, using them as prompts for introspection and course correction. Responding thoughtfully can help align one’s actions with higher spiritual guidance.
Key takeaways on messages and signs from angels
Now that you know all the unique ways that angels may be communicating their guidance to you, use their messages as a cosmic antenna to navigate life more effortlessly.
Remember to always take note of the people you are with, events around you, and what you were thinking of when you noticed the Angel sign. The context of the sign is a key indicator of what the angels want to communicate to you. Angels can also be warning you about future events, so trust your gut, and if you feel doubtful about something, err on the side of caution. Be patient and ask your angels for further guidance on what the problem may be.
The more you open yourself up to messages from angels, the easier they will be received. So don’t be alarmed if you start hearing voices in your mind. Their messages are a blessing and their purpose is to guide you to fulfill your heart’s desire and protect you from any harm.
There are many ways that angels convey these divine messages to us. They can come in common ways such as sparkling lights or white feathers, or they may come in a unique way that is only significant to you. Your guardian angel will develop a special relationship with you, and may choose to communicate using a symbol only you will understand. So don’t be disheartened if what you thought was an angel sign did not appear on this list. Trust your intuition and be open to receiving these messages in many miraculous ways.
Your Guardian Angel’s name and special message Quiz
The day you were born, you were assigned your very own Guardian Angel. We have created the perfect short quiz to help you discover your Guardian Angel’s message for you.
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Jade Small
I am a creative and a wanderer. Mysteries and connections are what inspire me to write. While on my path, my purpose is to bring you information to help inspire you on your journey on this place called earth.
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