QHHT Official Blog

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Dolores Cannon Books You Should Add to Your Reading List Today

In the realm of metaphysical literature, few names resonate as profoundly as Dolores Cannon. A luminary in the world of hypnosis and regression therapy, Dolores Cannon captivated readers with her unique ability to unlock the hidden recesses of the human mind, revealing insights...

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March 18th, 2024

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Dolores Cannon and Conversations with Nostradamus
Self Discovery

Dolores Cannon on her Conversations with Nostradamus

Dolores Cannon has a name that will undoubtedly go down in history. With all of her knowledge of hypnotherapy, it is no wonder that her work is being continued even after her passing. Her daughter, Julia Cannon, has taken the wheel, keeping her memory alive and strong. While she was still with us in…Read More»

Twin Flame Vs. Soulmate
Self Discovery

Twin Flame vs Soulmate: What is the Difference? (With Quiz)

Maybe you are in a long-term relationship that seems to get deeper and deeper the longer you are together, or maybe you just met someone, and the connection you felt was like, BAM! It can be tricky to work out whether your new, or old, boo is your twin flame or your soulmate. Today we are going to…Read More»

What is a Heyoka?
Self Discovery

What is a Heyoka Empath? Traits, Signs, Awakening & Powers

An empath is a highly sensitive person who can pick up on the vibrations that people, animals, plants, and the earth give off. There are many different types of empaths, each with its unique superpower. Some can pick up on the emotions of others, and some just know exactly what an animal is craving. In this article, we will be…Read More»

5 Full Moon Effects on Empaths
Self Discovery

5 Full Moon Effects On Empaths You Need To Know About

Everyone feels the gravitational pull of the moon. We all succumb to its emotional influence, bearing the brunt of the mood swings we endure throughout the different phases of the moon. But, what effect does the full moon phase have on an empath? Let’s…Read More»

What is a Lightworker Empath?
Self Discovery

Are you a lightworker? Take a 2-minute Quiz

We all have one of those friends that seems to simply light up the room when they walk in. The kind that can crush your bad mood simply with a smile. Could they be a lightworker? They are those whose life purpose is to raise the level of consciousness with light. In this article, we are going to find out the answer to the…Read More»

What is a Spiritual Empath
Self Discovery

What is a Spiritual Empath? 12 Traits & Signs You Are One!

What is a spiritual empath? Many of us have had a friend at some point in our lives that claimed they could sense spirits or angels. Maybe that friend is you. Spiritual empaths are not only sensitive to other people’s emotions, but they can sense when beings of the spirit realm are present. In this…Read More»

What is a Spiritual Awakening?
Self Discovery

What is a Spiritual Awakening? Meaning, Causes & Process Explained

Do you feel like your world has gone from “perfect” to suddenly topsy-turvy? Have you been questioning pretty much everything in your life? You might be experiencing a spiritual awakening. You might ask, what is a spiritual awakening? This is the time when you realize you had life all wrong, and now some changes need…Read More»

True Empaths
Self Discovery

True Empath Traits (Qualities & Characteristics of Empaths)

Feeling the emotions of others and not having any control over them can seem like a daunting responsibility. But with awareness, you can learn to manage this superpower of yours. But, first, you need to work out whether or not you are an empath. This article addresses the various qualities and characteristics of an empath. Read through…Read More»

What is an Empath
Self Discovery

What is an Empath? (& How to Know if You are One) 10 Signs

The term “empath” is often thrown around loosely. Many people call themselves empaths, and they seem o be so in tune with the world around them. But, what does it mean to be an empath exactly? How do you know if you are one? We have put together this article to answer all your questions. Including some of the signs…Read More»