QHHT Official Blog

8 min read

Dolores Cannon Books You Should Add to Your Reading List Today

In the realm of metaphysical literature, few names resonate as profoundly as Dolores Cannon. A luminary in the world of hypnosis and regression therapy, Dolores Cannon captivated readers with her unique ability to unlock the hidden recesses of the human mind, revealing insights...

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March 18th, 2024

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Meditation Alter Table Ideas
Self Discovery

Meditation Altar Table Ideas (& Meditation Tables Placement)

Have you been yearning to start meditation more often? Or are you looking for means to connect more with your spirituality? It might very well be that you are in need of an altar or a meditation table. In this article, we will discuss some meditation altar table ideas in the hopes you…Read More»

Twin Flame Separation
Self Discovery

Twin Flame Separation & Reunion Stages, Signs, & Symptoms

Were you recently in one of the most intense and deep feeling relationships where you thought this person was definitely the one? It might very well be that you had found your twin flame, and now you have a sense of being lost without them. Here is a deep explanation for twin flame separation and…Read More»

Waxing Moon Rituals
Self Discovery

3 Waxing Crescent Moon Rituals & 4 Waxing Moon Spells

Calling all worshipers of the moon and La Luna Lovers. Today we are going through everything you need to know about the phases of the moon waxing moon. By the end of this article, you will be able to tell the difference between a waning and a waxing moon simply by looking at it, as well as how the waxing moon…Read More»

Universal Laws of Abundance
Self Discovery

Accepting the Universal Laws of Abundance

The universe works in mysterious ways. That statement right there is definitely one of the most used in the spiritual world. You will most likely agree to this, having been told this by many people. And, having told this to other people as well. We go through life not expecting all that can go wrong. Plans are made, and…Read More»

Color Personality Quiz
Self Discovery

True Color Personality quiz: What Color am I?

Recently, the true colors test has been making its rounds on the oh-so-loved Tiktok. If you have been curious to know what everyone has been discovering about themselves, try our color personality quiz!Read More»

What is Inner Work?
Self Discovery

Inner Work Meaning & How to Do Inner Work

What is inner work? Basically, it is a journey of inner healing. In this day and age, we each deal with so many negative events and situations and are still expected to function in society. In this article, we will be discussing why inner work is so important as well explain exactly…Read More»

Physical & Emotional Healing

Physical & Emotional Healing – Do You Need Emotional Healing?

The theme for today is a very interesting topic. One that is very prevalent in this current timeline we are experiencing. There is so much tumult happening all around the world. Pollution is at an all-time high causing both the barrier reef and the rain forests to disintegrate. There are ongoing wars, and new ones…Read More»

Twin Flame
Self Discovery

What is a Twin Flame Relationship? Meaning, Signs & Symptoms Explained

Have you ever met someone that you share a deep connection with? You just know, almost immediately, that you are bound by something unknown? The rope might be intangible, yet it is ever present after the moment you meet. It might very well be that you have met your twin flame. Now, you might be asking yourself, what does…Read More»

The Power of Intention
Self Discovery

The Power of Your Intention Plus FREE Quiz

Our topic today is based on intention. Not only our daily intentions and momentary emotional intentions but our ultimate intention that spreads across every facet of our life. The first message that came through when we opened up on this topic during one live chat was that the higher beings are already aware of your intentions, and…Read More»