QHHT Official Blog

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Dolores Cannon Books You Should Add to Your Reading List Today

In the realm of metaphysical literature, few names resonate as profoundly as Dolores Cannon. A luminary in the world of hypnosis and regression therapy, Dolores Cannon captivated readers with her unique ability to unlock the hidden recesses of the human mind, revealing insights...

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March 18th, 2024

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Types of Empath Test
Self Discovery

Heyoka Empath Test (What Type of Empath Am I?)

Have you had a knack for truly understanding the emotions of others? Or maybe you have always had a connection to animals and nature. There are 14 different kinds of empaths, each with its own abilities. Understanding your own empathic powers is a keen part of your self-care. It might explain why you find yourself surrounded…Read More»

Curses and Light Language
Self Discovery

Curses, Light Language and Inter-dimensional Cognition

One of the most frustrating things that happen to us throughout our lives is when we go through a spell of bad luck. Situation after situation, and eventually you feel as if you will never get out of this rut alive! But here is some light to brighten the doom and gloom – where there is…Read More»

Waning Moon Rituals
Self Discovery

Waning Moon Rituals (Gibbous) & Spells for Money, Love & More

The moon phases will revolutionize your emotional understanding. We are all emotional people, and the moon’s gravitational pulls and pushes are a great influence to us. By following the lunar cycle, you are able to know when to stop and think, and hen to react. Let’s dive right into understanding the phases of the moon, but…Read More»

How Do We Upgrade Our DNA?
Self Discovery

How Do We Upgrade Our DNA?

Some of the biggest questions we are faced with in QHHT all surround the concept of upgrading one’s DNA. Some wild thoughts have been concocted of us becoming these non-physical beings that many of us strive so hard to become. Bear in mind that are human beings here…Read More»

What are the Different Types of Empaths
Self Discovery

14 Different Types of Empaths

Ever met someone who seems to understand everything you are going through? The chances are you have met an empath who is intuitively aware. The term empath comes from empathy, which is the ability to understand the experiences and feelings of others outside of your own. Contrary to popular belief, there…Read More»

Soul & Spirit Guides
Self Discovery

Exploring the Roles of Soul and Spirit Guides

Spirit guides can be understood simply by the name. They are higher beings from the spirit realm. They help us along our journey, having been with us since the beginning. Not just from the start of this life, you are living now, but from the very beginning, throughout all your lives. They have always been…Read More»

What is Scrying
Self Discovery

What Is Scrying & What Is a Scrying Mirror? Your Essential Guide

Scrying is an ancient art of revealing truths, used by witches for many centuries as a sort of tool. What is scrying? There are many misconceptions over what a scryer is truly capable of, most people still assume it involves a psychic gazing into a crystal ball. We shall explain everything about the art of scrying, from…Read More»

Coming to Terms with Truth and Reality
Self Discovery

Coming to Terms With Truth and Reality

Greeting to one and all ladies, gentlemen, starseeds, and aliens! To our frequent flyers and first-time passengers, we welcome you to another discussion of the esoteric world of QHHT. As always, there are many questions that we get asked and we would like to address a few of them. So, buckle up, and…Read More»

New Moon Affirmations
Self Discovery

10 New Moon Affirmations & Meditations 2022 (Love, Money & More)

In a sense, a new moon is the ultimate reset, designed with cosmic intent. Where the time of full moon we reach a tumultuous flow of energy where we are forced to reflect on all that is not working for us, as well as what is benefiting us. New moon is the perfect time to set intentions…Read More»

5D View of War and Peace
Self Discovery

A 5D View of War and Peace

In today’s world, many youths are not accustomed to the concept of war… but many are accustomed to Love. On the other side of the coin, some are all too familiar with war, and the lack of love. It is apparent that what might seem normal to some, is not the norm for others. There are many different opinions about…Read More»