QHHT Official Blog

8 min read

Dolores Cannon Books You Should Add to Your Reading List Today

In the realm of metaphysical literature, few names resonate as profoundly as Dolores Cannon. A luminary in the world of hypnosis and regression therapy, Dolores Cannon captivated readers with her unique ability to unlock the hidden recesses of the human mind, revealing insights...

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March 18th, 2024

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Seeing Visions
Self Discovery

Seeing Visions: What are Visions Really & What do they Mean?

Seeing visions are not a common thing for most people, but, for some, visions are part of their daily lives! If you have been experiencing what you think are visions or visual hallucinations, hearing voices or experiencing what you think may be your guides or the spiritual realm…Read More»

Meditation Vs. Hypnosis

Meditation vs Hypnosis Comparison/Compared: Which is Best?

There are times, that so many of us have experienced, in fact, all of us, where you have been so focused on something that time slips by and you had not realized because your attention was elsewhere. This is a form of meditation that hypnosis builds off. There are many…Read More»

What Are Angel Signs?
Self Discovery

14 Warning Signs From Angels: How to Spot and What to Do With Them

Angels are spiritual beings of unconditional love who help humanity fulfill their life’s purpose. They often communicate with us using angel signs. There are many different reasons these signs are given to us, sometimes to remind us we are loved and supported, in other times to indicate we are on the…Read More»

Using Hypnosis to Forget
Self Discovery

Can You Use Hypnosis to Forget Trauma?

Is it possible to use hypnosis to forget someone or something? Movies like Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind make it seem plausible, but is there any science behind the idea? Can a clinical hypnotist utilize various hypnotic techniques to remove bad memories or are there other ways we can get over…Read More»

Staying Motivated
Self Discovery

Staying Motivated: You Can Have and Do Anything You Set Your Mind To

Some people are motivated by negative things, using that as the motivator to push you forward, and some people are driven by positive reinforcement or positive outcomes. There seems to be a general motivation caused by the fear of something negative happening that motivates most of us. Being threatened is not a…Read More»

What is the Metaverse
Self Discovery

What is the Metaverse? The Simulation within a Simulation

What is the metaverse? Well, technically the metaverse is its own universe and could be compared similarly to the universe that we live in. What is interesting today, is the growing involvement the metaverse has on our society and personal or spiritual development. Social media today has opened…Read More»

History of Hypnosis
Self Discovery

Ultimate Guide to the History of Hypnosis (Timeline)

Tik-tok, tik-tok, the metronome is ticking away, your eyes are getting heavier, and your mind is at one with your essence, the history of hypnosis is about to commence. Today we will be discussing how and where hypnosis originated…Read More»

Hypnosis Facts
Self Discovery

Hypnosis Facts: 10 Fun & Interesting Facts About Hypnosis

Hypnosis is a wonderful tool that will be able to heal pretty much any ailment, be it physical, mental, spiritual. Some people have fears based on misconceptions of what hypnosis truly is. If you want to learn more about the truth behind hypnotherapy, keep reading these very intriguing…Read More»

Can Meditation Replace Sleep?

Meditation Instead of Sleep (Can Meditation Replace Sleep?)

Life can be full of deadlines and moments where a full night of sleep is not possible but is meditation instead of sleep ever recommended? What about people with sleep disorders? Could they possibly benefit from regular meditation as an extra measurement at bedtime? Here is our guide for beginners…Read More»

What do Higher Dimensions Look Like?
Self Discovery

What Do Higher Dimensions Look Like? How to Connect to Higher Dimensions

Artists over the years have painted their depictions of the higher dimensions, with swirling light shows of pink and blue hues that give off these very ethereal feels. But what do the higher vibrations really look like? Or do they look like anything at all? We are physical beings with spiritual abilities, whether…Read More»