QHHT Official Blog

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Dolores Cannon Books You Should Add to Your Reading List Today

In the realm of metaphysical literature, few names resonate as profoundly as Dolores Cannon. A luminary in the world of hypnosis and regression therapy, Dolores Cannon captivated readers with her unique ability to unlock the hidden recesses of the human mind, revealing insights...

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March 18th, 2024

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Grounding Techniques for Anxiety

Grounding Techniques For Anxiety: 54321 Method & 13 More Exercises

I don’t know about you but anxiety has been a crippling factor for me, and a lot of other people for that matter. so often it goes unnoticed or shoved aside for the lack of patience to deal with it. This article will comprehensively discuss how to calm down anxiety, using different grounding techniques for anxiety. The art of grounding…Read More»

New Zodiac Sign Ophiuchus
Self Discovery

New Zodiac Sign Ophiuchus & Astrology Horoscope Dates Chart

The word on the street is that you may have been misled when it comes to your star sign – that there is a new zodiac sign into the zodiacal system. The word Ophiuchus is on everyone’s lips, How have we missed the fact that there are 13 zodiac signs and not 12? Have we…Read More»

5 Reiki Principles

What are the 5 Reiki Principles | Just For Today Mantra

Reiki is an energy healing practice. It is based on the concept that we all have energy centers inside our bodies that connect us to our subtle bodies and the universal energy of all that is. It was discovered by Dr. Mikao Usui along with five founding…Read More»

Child Past Life Memories
Self Discovery

Child Past Life Memories: When Kids Remember Past Lives, What Does It Mean?

Is reincarnation true? About 33% of Americans believe it. This, can you believe it, includes 29% of the Christian Americans. In most cases, it is children who remember past lives, but occasionally the adults. This topic has been at the forefront of fascination for centuries, for believers and skeptics alike. The idea of life after death is too…Read More»

Tapping Into Your Psychic Abilities
Self Discovery

Tapping Into Your Psychic Abilities: Take The Psychic Powers Quiz

How many of you knew that you could see things that others didn’t when you were really young? Maybe you were too young to remember it but someone told you that you used to do or say these weird things. It could have been that you saw spirits, or possibly had these visions….Read More»

8 Protection Prayers
Self Discovery

8 Daily Prayers For Protection & Safety From Evil & Enemies

Regardless of the evil which resides in this world, God’s creation, The almighty is devotional in his love and protection of us – his creation. In biblical scripture, there are prayers for protection available for your use in any form. If a short summary of the most commonly taught protection prayers is all you’re…Read More»

Interdimensional Portals
Self Discovery

Interdimensional Portals: What Portals Are & How To Access Them

Are interdimensional portals something to fear or revere? If you’ve ever seen strange lights in the sky that seem to just blip in, as if someone flipped a switch and a light went on – and you just know deep in your bones that it’s a UFO. That is how the extra-terrestrials, E.Ts, travel. They can jump in between dimensions via portals…Read More»