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Dolores Cannon Books You Should Add to Your Reading List Today

In the realm of metaphysical literature, few names resonate as profoundly as Dolores Cannon. A luminary in the world of hypnosis and regression therapy, Dolores Cannon captivated readers with her unique ability to unlock the hidden recesses of the human mind, revealing insights...

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March 18th, 2024

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How Does the Soul Know When To Leave the Body?

How Does the Soul Know When to Leave the Body?

One of the most thought-about aspects of life is when it ends. the question on most people’s minds when they near the end of their life, is what happens to their soul when it departs from their body. Fearing death is not a new conundrum, as there are so many beliefs surrounding the afterlife, like whether you believe in heaven or hell. It is no wonder…Read More»

Are You Ready to See E.T.s?
Self Discovery

Are You Ready to See the E.T.s?

The topic of extraterrestrials is not exactly new. This has been an ongoing phenomenon for hundreds of years. People have seen flashing lights in the sky, and disappearing ones too. Not only that, but the amount of people who have said they were abducted by aliens and brought back to Earth…Read More»

What Does a Green Aura Mean?
Self Discovery

Green Aura Meaning: What Does a Green Aura Mean Spiritually?

From the tranquil shades of emerald to the vivid hues of mint and forest green, the color green carries profound symbolism that gives one a feeling similar to immersing oneself in a tranquil forest. In this article, we will begin to unravel the different meanings of green…Read More»

What is Spiritual Maturity?
Self Discovery

7 Signs of Spiritual Maturity Explained

Spiritual maturity refers to the state of personal growth and development in one’s spiritual beliefs and practices. This article will delve into the deeper facets of what it means to be spiritually mature. It is based on a Christian viewpoint, but it can apply to other religions, and…Read More»

Spiritual Meaning of Black
Self Discovery

What Does The Color Black Mean Spiritually

The color black symbolizes many things. But, most people do not realize that there are both negative and positive meanings hidden in this shade. We use the word “hidden” because the color encapsulates the mysterious factors of life and spirituality. Not only …Read More»

What is Spiritual Freedom?
Self Discovery

What is Spiritual Freedom? Spiritual Freedom Meaning Defined

Belonging to faith and practicing a religion is one thing. But, many people are not aware of the reason they abide by the rules of their religion. For one thing, there has to be something to gain by persisting with the rules of each practice. We need something to look forward to, and that can be finding our own…Read More»

Gold Spiritual Meaning
Self Discovery

Gold Spiritual Meaning: Color Gold Symbolism & Definition

This world we live in is completely blindsided by lust and greed when gold comes into the picture. However, gold is not just a precious metal that defines our wealth with its economic value. It is a color that holds much spiritual meaning. This article will delve deep into what gold is associated with. From its spiritual meanings to what it relates to in…Read More»

Snakes biting you in your dreams
Self Discovery

What Does it Mean When You Dream About Snakes Biting You or Attacking You?

If you’ve been following our page, you might remember one of our previous articles about seeing snakes in your dreams. Dreams usually have deeper spiritual meanings, and most people assume they represent a bad omen. But, snakes in your dreams could have a positive meaning, depending on how they showed up, and the context of your dream. Today we are going to tuck in a little deeper to snake dreams. We are going to…Read More»

Spiritual Goals Examples
Self Discovery

Spiritual Goals Examples 2023: 12 Spiritual Smart Goals List

Having physical and spiritual goals for your life is important. It gives you the drive, or motivation, that you need to get up in the morning and strive to do better. Spiritual goals help you to get somewhere in your life. It can give your life meaning, spiritually. However, many people overlook the significance of…Read More»

What Does the Color Purple Mean Spiritually?
Self Discovery

What Does the Color Purple Mean Spiritually? (& Why You Keep Seeing it)

From its association with royalty and power to its spiritual symbolism and creative inspiration, purple has been one of the greatest spiritual influencers of human history. In this article, we are going to discuss the different spiritual meanings this regal color has to offer the world. The color purple can also stimulate the crown chakra and is linked with creativity, states of consciousness, ability…Read More»