When it comes to healing our bodies, there is more to it than what meets the eye. Not only are we fragile beings, prone to physical injuries, but we are also sensitive to our emotions and energetic frequencies. That means that there are different levels to healing, and it all comes down to our emotions. Today we are going to discuss the intricacies of emotional healing, and how leaving your negative emotions unchecked can cause blockages. From there, we will include some tips on how to unblock them to create a more fluid state of being.
Table of Contents
Seeking a QHHT practitioner
If you are reading this, you are probably already aware of Quantum Healing and Hypnosis Techniques, or QHHT. We have hopefully divulged enough information for you to have worked out that QHHT is a method of healing something about yourself. Many times, QHHT practitioners see clients who have been suffering from physical ailments and are seeking to be healed from their pain. They claim they have had a car accident, or they have been dealing with a broken leg that never healed right.
Julia Cannon recently explained in a live chat that your physical injuries go a lot deeper. She is the author of “Soul Speak, The Language of Your Body”. In this book, she talks about the source of all the aches and pains we experience in life. Yes, a physical symptom might be caused by a physical ailment. But, what causes that?
When we decide to come to earth to live a life as a human, it is hard to anticipate the level of emotions we will experience. We know what we are getting ourselves into because our spirit guides give us enough warning. But, when we are born, we do not remember the in-between so the emotions come as a huge surprise. Many of us flounder around in life, overwhelmed by the complexities of our feelings. Emotions are a phenomenon unique to the human species. At least, in the depth of them, and the wide range of different feelings.
We live behind a stoic mask
Upon studying us, the ETs became fascinated by how we can switch between two extreme emotions in no time at all. Like feeling tragically sad to the epitome of happiness in two seconds flat. However, many of us do not show half of the emotions we feel. We can thank society for that. The expectations we place on ourselves are just to be appreciated or accepted by others. Men and women alike are groomed to believe that expressing their emotions is “too much” or “too soppy”. So, we push them down and behave in ways we think are more appropriate. However, this is sub-conscious self-sabotage. In the long run, this is only creating bigger problems for us.
When you refuse to acknowledge a certain feeling and push it away, you are creating a blockage in your energy field. This means your energy cannot flow through your body freely. We are emotional beings, which means having emotions is completely normal. We are meant to feel each one as it is part of the experience we signed on for. By pushing them away, not only are we denying ourselves a crucial part of humanity, but we are limiting ourselves from reaching our greatest potential. Ideally, you should acknowledge the emotion and let yourself feel it. Do not hold onto it by pushing it down within you, or reveling in the pain of it all. Let it flow through you and send it off with gratitude.
QHHT can help you
If you have been struggling with a physical ailment of sorts, you might want to seek a QHHT practitioner to help you. Maybe you were recently diagnosed with a disease or have been living with one all your life. Or, maybe you have chronic back pain or regular debilitating migraines. Whatever the reason, the practitioner will find the source of that pain through your energetic field.
They might ask you a few questions at the beginning of the session. This is because the type of symptom you are experiencing can help them pinpoint the type of emotional blockage you have. A physical symptom acts as a message from your higher self that you need to pay some attention to a certain aspect of your life. Our bodies speak a complex language, which we can learn to understand over time.
Stop giving your power over to external forces like pharmaceutical companies. Yes, their medication might alleviate the pain for some time but is it ever a long-term fix? We need to learn to trust ourselves again because no company is going to know us better than ourselves. This is not to say you won’t need a doctor from time to time. But, after the doctor has put you back together, your body has a remarkable ability to heal itself beyond the need for medication. Find a recommended QHHT practitioner to help guide you in the right direction.
Learn for yourself with Soul Speak
Julia Cannon has written the book Soul Speak: The Language of Your Body. You can find this book easily on Amazon HERE, and it is available in many different languages. Aside from that, she has more to offer when it comes to understanding how to heal your body, emotions, and soul. There is an online course that you can do, which teaches you to heal yourself. Anyone can find her Soul Speak course on her website.
The website has a message from Julia herself, which read: “Every ache, pain, and symptom is the body delivering a message of importance in its own unique language. The only problem is, we didn’t have the translation manual for this language – until now.
Interested in becoming a QHHT Practitioner?
Find out how YOU can become a QHHT Practitioner. We offer an entire online course journey to get you started, growing, and achieving your goals.

Kaya Wittenburg
“The purpose of my life is to be a vivacious and highly abundant business and spiritual maverick. Bringing the highest level of consciousness into the world for the greatest good.”
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