Most of us have some sort of fear; fear of heights, fear of certain situations, fear of a perceived threat, fear of moving on, fear of public speaking. Whatever our fear may be, we all think of the worst-case scenarios and create more feelings of fear which knocks our self-confidence and self-esteem, affecting our mental health and causing a never ending cycle of fear and panic attacks. Often the thought in our minds are a lot scarier than the thing we fear itself.
When it comes to anxiety, we experience fear a little differently. Anxiety problems stem from worry and fearful thoughts of the future. Fear of a new job, fear of failure, going through difficult times leading to a more short-term based feeling.
Fear is normal, but, when we allow fear and anxiety to become patterns and habits in our lives we begin a pattern of self-sabotage, problems and anxiety disorders. Ultimately this leads to avoidance of things that you believe are scary, it creates a spiral of negative thought, self doubt and affects your mental stability.
How to overcome fear & anxiety
If you are able to face your fears instead of locking them away in your brain you are stopping the cycle of fear taking hold of your life and its ability to rule you. If you allow anxiety to plague you, you are setting yourself up for failure and self sabotaging. Realizing you are in charge and you are stronger than your anxiety is the first step in self-help.
We know that it’s easier said that done, and depending on the type of fear or anxiety problems you experience you may find it harder than others, however, this list is an excellent place to start to get you on track to overcoming your fear and taking back control!
Here are 8 methods you can use to help you overcome anxiety disorders and fearful feelings.
1. Overcoming fear with mindfulness
Did you know you can literally dissolve fear using the power of thought? Mindfulness is a powerful tool that you need to utilize to overcome what’s holding you back. When you first start noticing your anxiety creeping in, try to shift your mind and attention to the present moment. Pay attention to your breathing – from the warmth of your exhale to the timing of your inhale. When you tune into your breath, you are self aware and you are present. This is the moment you are no longer allowing negative thought, fear and anxiety to control you in that time.
2. How to get rid of fear using self hypnosis
Fear is in the mind, and an incredibly effective tool you can use to help get rid of it is self hypnosis. A good start would be seeing a QHHT practitioner and then learning QHHT yourself to hypnotize yourself and allow yourself to finally let go of what is holding you back – your own mind!
3. How to conquer fear using breathing exercises
Feelings of anxiousness and fear can be lessened by using simple breathing techniques. Start by doing simple slow inhales through the nose and long extended exhales from the mouth. As you breathe out keep your jaw relaxed and slightly purse your lips. Repeat this as often as needed.
4. How to deal with fear with positive self talk
This method is especially beneficial if you are struggling with fear because of new work or feelings of doubt.
Self talk, be it positive or negative, has such massive potential to change how you feel about yourself and a situation, so practicing sitting quietly and reminding (talking to yourself) about how you can and will overcome your fear can have profound effects.
5. How to get over fear with meditation
Just as with positive self talk, meditation can help you overcome fear and anxiety. Meditation will allow you to really face your fear instead of the easy way – pushing it away. Spending time meditating will help you become more self aware as you communicate with each and every cell in your body helping you to eradicate the fear from within.
6. How to handle fear using mantras
Mantras are a very powerful method of positive self talk. Write your own mantra or find one that resonates with you, or find a few that you like. Practice saying these mantras daily, even when you are not experiencing anxiety or fear based attacks.
7. How to fight fear using positive affirmations
positive affirmations, much like mantras, can be used to remind yourself that you are more powerful than fear! Print out as many positive affirmations and stick them up around your home, at your mirror, in your car, by your keys and next to your bed. Whenever you notice your positive affirmation “sticker” read it, out loud if possible, and use these to remind yourself why you are not going to allow fear to keep you back!
8. How to cope with fear by talking about it to others
It is so hugely overlooked, but talking to others about your fears can be a huge release and help you in ways you can’t even begin to imagine. Try to Find a support group and find people with similar fears to your own. Once you’ve found a support group you will encounter people who have overcome their fear and are now living without anxiety. This can be a massive motivator, and it can also help you to realize that your fear is not “all-powerful” over you
How to stop living in fear
Living with fear is not something we choose. It can be incredibly difficult to overcome fear especially fear that we have carried around due to trauma or events in our childhood. When it comes to anxiety, we can be crippled by the feelings of self doubt and self loathing. Mental health is important and sometimes we need to seek psychotherapy to help us cope in severe situations. To become unafraid or to not feel fear anymore can be such a long hard journey, but we can help manage these feelings with simple techniques and methods like those above.
We hope that if you are experiencing fear and/or anxiety that you are able to rise above it and take back your power and your life, and that you realize how incredibly powerful your mind truly is, as you begin your journey away from fear.
Written by:
Jade Small
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