Chakra stones and crystals have been used for centuries to promote healing, balance, and alignment within the body’s energy centers, known as chakras. These crystals are believed to possess unique vibrational frequencies that can interact with and influence the energetic vibrations within the body. In this article, we will explore the different chakra crystals and their properties and ways to incorporate them into your daily routine to promote overall wellness and balance. Whether you’re a seasoned crystal user or new to the world of energy work, this guide will provide valuable information on using chakra crystals to support your mind, body, and spirit.
Table of Contents
What are chakra stones and crystals?
What are the 7 chakra stones in order and their meanings?
1. Red Jasper, Tiger’s Eye, and Hematite for the Root chakra
The first chakra is the root chakra or Muladhara in Sanskrit. It is responsible for our foundation, stability, and basic needs. It governs our sense of security and survival, as well as our connection to our physical body and the physical world. Imbalances in the root chakra can lead to feelings of fear, insecurity, and instability, as well as physical symptoms such as lower back pain and digestive issues.
Tiger’s Eye is a red stone that has protective and grounding properties, which facilitate a sense of security. Hematite is a powerful black stone that redirects leftover energy back to your root chakra to bring balance and support. Finally, Red Jasper is a great stone to use in root chakra healing sessions as it is perfectly grounding.
2. Citrine, Orange Calcite, and Amber for the Sacral Chakra
The second chakra is the sacral chakra or the Svadhisthana. It is responsible for our creativity, sexuality, and emotional balance. It governs our ability to form and maintain healthy relationships and enjoy pleasure in life. When the sacral chakra is unbalanced, it can lead to emotional instability, lack of creativity, and difficulties in forming healthy relationships.
Citrine, the stone of abundance, is perfect for sacral chakra healing because it clears your mind and thus, facilitates creativity when you’re feeling blocked. Orange calcite is another crystal used for sacral chakra healing because it is known for healing emotional and sexual traumas. Lastly, Amber helps to draw out negative energy while ensuring you set healthy boundaries.
3. Citrine, Pyrite, and Yellow Adventurine, for the Solar Plexus Chakra
The third chakra is the solar plexus chakra, otherwise known as the Manipura. It is responsible for our personal power, self-esteem, and confidence. It governs our ability to assert ourselves in the world and to pursue our passions. Imbalances in the solar plexus chakra can lead to feelings of insecurity, low self-esteem, and lack of motivation.
Citrine is not only good for the sacral chakra, but also for the solar plexus because it’s a confidence booster of note. It also helps in turning our adversities into an advantage. Pyrite, the birthstone of fiery Leo, is another stone for solar plexus healing because it helps to eradicate fears and facilitates confidence. This helps you assert yourself with strength. Then, Yellow Adventurine is helpful when it comes to making decisions and facilitates stronger willpower.
4. Rose Quartz, Emerald, and Jade, for the Heart Chakra
The fourth chakra is the heart chakra, also known as the Anahata chakra. It is responsible for our ability to give and receive love, compassion, and forgiveness. It governs our emotional balance, as well as our ability to form and maintain healthy relationships. Imbalances in the heart chakra can lead to feelings of loneliness, depression, and emotional detachment.
Rose Quartz has made a name for itself as the love stone. It is known for its ability to facilitate self-love through and through, making it ideal for heart chakra healing. Emerald is another crystal that can help restore the heart chakra by facilitating a sense of compassion, unconditional love, and gratitude. Lastly, jade helps heal broken hearts from previous relationships, and helps one find love again.
5. Blue Lace agate, Turquoise, and Aquamarine for the Throat Chakra
The throat chakra, also known in Sanskrit as the Vishuddha chakra, is responsible for our ability to communicate effectively and express ourselves authentically. It governs our self-expression, creativity, and ability to speak our truth. One might experience communication issues, difficulty expressing oneself, and feeling disconnected from one’s authentic voice when the throat chakra is unbalanced.
Blue lace agate is a light blue crystal that facilitates clear communication. It opens up the chakra and allows the energy to flow freely, without restraint. The same can be said for Turquoise and aquamarine. Turquoise helps you speak your truth, and aquamarine helps you find the courage to be unapologetically authentic.
6. Obsidian, Labradorite, and Lapis Lazuli for the Third Eye Chakra
The third eye chakra, also known in Sanskrit as the Ajna chakra, is responsible for our intuition, spiritual awareness, and inner wisdom. It governs our ability to see beyond the physical world and connect with our inner selves. Imbalances in the third eye chakra can lead to difficulties with decision-making, lack of intuition, and feeling disconnected from one’s spiritual path.
Without curiosity, we do not grow. Obsidian really helps to enhance your curiosity about the world and to find the truth. This is why it is known as the truth crystal. Labradorite is similar in that it inspires your imagination, allowing you to come up with new ideas or ways of doing things. Lapis Lazuli clears your mind, helps you concentrate, and improves your memory.
7. Selenite, Amethyst, and Diamond for the Crown Chakra
The crown chakra, also known in Sanskrit as the Sahasrara chakra, is responsible for our spiritual connection, enlightenment, and higher consciousness. It governs our ability to connect with the divine and further our spirituality. Imbalances in the crown chakra can lead to feelings of disconnection from the divine, lack of purpose, and difficulty finding meaning in life.
Selenite is a powerful stone that helps you connect with your spirituality or your higher self. It also allows a clear line for communication with the higher realms. Amethyst is great for healing anxiety by blocking energy that inhibits feelings of joy or happiness, making it another stone ideal for your solar plexus. Diamonds are not only valuable monetarily, they are powerful crystals that help enhance the energy of other crystals and manifest abundance.
7 Chakra stones chart
This chart is a summary of which crystals are ideal for bringing harmony and balance to their respective chakras.
How to use chakra stones for beginners
In this section, we will explain crystals and chakras for beginners. We will discuss how to use them for healing and balancing your chakras, as well as where to place them in the process.
Activating your chakra crystals
Learning how to activate chakra stones is vital to your energy healing practice. This can be done in various ways. you might place them in a bowl of water and under the light of the full moon. However, you must ensure the type of crystal can withstand being submerged in water as some, like selenite, tend to disintegrate. Holding your crystals under running water while repeating a mantra is also helpful in activating your crystals. Or, you can simply hold them in your hand whilst singing positive songs to them.
Keep them close
Reiki Healing
crystals for chakra balancing are commonly used by reiki healers because they help to enhance the practitioner’s abilities to heal and align their client’s chakras.
Meditate with them
meditation with chakra stones is a great way to balance and align your chakras. Begin by choosing a crystal that corresponds to the chakra you wish to focus on. The chakra stones placement is very important. So, hold the crystal in your hand and place it on or near the corresponding chakra. Close your eyes and breathe deeply, focusing your attention on the crystal and the chakra. Imagine your chakra as a wheel that spins freely, and visualize your energy flowing through that chakra and throughout your body. At this point, you can make use of a mantra, or an affirmation.
Sleep with your crystals
chakra healing with crystals can be as easy as sleeping with them in your bed. While you are asleep, your conscious mind is at rest. This makes it the perfect time for some energy healing as your ego isn’t interrupting the process.
Our conclusion on the 7 chakra crystals
Using crystals to balance and align your chakras can be a powerful tool for enhancing your spirituality and healing any past traumas. Furthermore, they help you feel more balanced and secure, with a sense of direction. By understanding the different properties of each crystal, you will have a better idea of how to use them to further your spiritual practice.
If you are curious about your chakras, may you feel a little out of sync? We have a chakra quiz that was specially designed to help identify which of your chakras need some balancing and aligning. This way, you will know which crystal or gemstone is right for your healing at this moment in time. Take the Quiz now!
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Jade Small
I am a creative and a wanderer. Mysteries and connections are what inspire me to write. While on my path, my purpose is to bring you information to help inspire you on your journey on this place called earth.
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