Fun quizzes are something everyone enjoys, and they are really helpful in finding answers to some trying questions in our lives. Our chakras are energy centers that are affected by those traumatic events, or misunderstood inner demons. Spiritual healing is not something any of us are ever free of, we are ever-learning, and ever-growing people and our well-being and positive mental health rely on constant effort to heal from whatever we might need to heal from, whether it’s from the death of a loved one, or failing your driving exam repeatedly.
Table of Contents
We have constructed this what you need to heal from quiz to help you along your healing journey. It can be a difficult thing to work out what you are dealing with, because the shadows that we keep at bay, tend to leak out in the form of behaviors and reactions that may not be the most obvious to interoperate.
The shadow self is not the monster that should be kept at bay, they are the distorted rays of light that are screaming to come to the surface so that they may too, become whole once more.
More Reading: How to make a sigil
What do you need to heal from the quiz: take the core wound test to find out!
Emotional trauma can come in all shapes and sizes, this core wound quiz is designed to help you understand what troubles you, and that will help you begin your healing process. It is never a good idea to hide or shy away from anything that is within you, because every aspect of you is part of your true and whole self, so you should focus on those seemingly broken parts of you, and realign them with yourself, knowingly. In order to do this, you need to first identify the problem, and our “what you need to heal from” quiz will help you with that.
How to interpret the emotional wound quiz answers
This emotional wound quiz will try to help pinpoint what you are in need of healing from. It is not a long quiz, but there will be a great need for honesty, with yourself in particular. Read each question thoroughly, and answer with the option that you relate to the most.
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If you enjoyed this quiz, and you found the results helped you understand some of the strange behaviors you have been noticing in yourself, then please feel free to share this quiz on your favorite social media site!
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Jade Small
I am a creative and a wanderer. Mysteries and connections are what inspire me to write. While on my path, my purpose is to bring you information to help inspire you on your journey on this place called earth.
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