If one were to try and explain the topic of dimensionality to someone who has never grasped the concept before, a great way to recommend they start learning is through the novel, Flatland, which is a story about a two-dimensional world, narrated by a square. Yes, the shape. Pop culture today would have you believe that extra-dimensional beings come from some mystical place. That may be the case, but not in the way we perceive our world.
Table of Contents
Key takeaways
- • Extra-dimensional or higher dimensional beings are life forms that exist in dimensions beyond our own. Also known as interdimensional beings, they traverse multiple dimensions. In contrast, interdimensional beings, like us, exist within a single dimension. When we talk about dimensions, we’re referring to different levels of reality perception. Humans can perceive three spatial dimensions (length, width, and depth) and time.
- • Einstein’s theory of space-time introduces the concept of our universe having three spatial dimensions and time as the fourth. String Theory, however, proposes the existence of up to 10 additional dimensions. Each of these higher dimensions adds layers of complexity, allowing for possibilities like perceiving other worlds and time travel.
- • These beings might originate from other planets or entirely different dimensions. Their means of travel could include theoretical constructs like wormholes or warp drives. Humans, through practices such as meditation or hypnotherapy, may tap into these higher dimensions, suggesting that our perception can extend beyond our physical reality.
- • The term “alien” typically refers to beings from other planets, but it’s possible that what we consider aliens might actually be extra-dimensional beings. This could explain their mysterious nature and the phenomenon of UFO sightings.
- • Our understanding of our multi-dimensional space will grow the more we learn. If you’re interested in learning how to do past life regression and gain more insight of your own, just visit our home page.
Interdimensional vs extra-dimensional beings, what’s the difference?
When exploring the concept of beings or creatures from other dimensions, it’s essential to distinguish between interdimensional and extra-dimensional beings. Both terms are often used interchangeably, but they have subtle differences that can help us understand these mysterious entities better.
Interdimensional beings are entities that can move between multiple dimensions. The term “inter-” suggests they interact with and travel through different dimensions, including our own.
In contrast, extra-dimensional beings come from dimensions other than the ones we live in. The term “extra-” implies something beyond or outside our familiar dimensions. These beings exist in realms that are different from our three-dimensional world plus time.
Focus on Extra-Dimensional Beings
Extra-dimensional beings originate from higher dimensions that we humans can’t easily perceive or understand. According to some scientific theories, there could be many more dimensions beyond the ones we know. These beings might see and interact with their world in ways that are completely foreign to us.
In simple terms, extra-dimensional beings exist in dimensions beyond the physical space and time we experience. They might come from places with entirely different rules and ways of existing. These beings could travel or influence our dimension through unknown means, possibly using shortcuts like wormholes or other science fiction-like concepts. However, proving they exist is difficult because our current technology can’t easily detect or measure them.
Humans might sometimes sense these higher dimensions through spiritual practices like meditation or hypnosis. Such experiences suggest that our minds might be capable of glimpsing these other realms, even if briefly. Many cultures have stories and beliefs about gods, spirits, or advanced beings that could be interpreted as extra-dimensional.
For example, beings from the fifth dimension might perceive alternate realities, while those from higher dimensions could experience even more complex and varied universes. Some mythological creatures or deities might be considered extra-dimensional because they possess abilities and knowledge that go beyond human understanding.
Extra-dimensional beings are a fascinating idea that stretches our understanding of the universe. While largely theoretical, they inspire both scientific curiosity and spiritual exploration, hinting that our reality might be just one part of a much larger, multi-dimensional existence.
List of different types of Extra dimensional beings
Here’s a look at some of these intriguing other dimensional entities, often discussed in various spiritual, metaphysical, and sci-fi contexts:
- • Origin: Pleiades star cluster, also known as the Seven Sisters.
- • Description: Believed to be fifth-dimensional beings, embodying the realms of love and creativity. They are often considered the keepers of historical records and knowledge about Earth.
- • Traits: Seen as benevolent and enlightened, serving as guides for humanity’s spiritual growth.
- • Origin: Various theories suggest they come from a different planet within the multiverse.
- • Description: Often depicted with lizard-like features, these beings are known for their shape-shifting abilities.
- • Traits: Notoriously seen as having malevolent intentions, often portrayed as power-hungry and manipulative.
- • Origin: Arcturus, one of the brightest stars in the night sky.
- • Description: Highly advanced beings, both mentally and emotionally, considered to be healers or shamans of humanity.
- • Traits: Known for their wisdom, healing abilities, and deep understanding of the cosmos.
- • Origin: Believed to come from the Orion constellation.
- • Description: Highly focused on science and research, with a strong inclination towards technological advancements.
- • Traits: While they excel in scientific endeavors, they are often seen as lacking in emotional empathy.
- • Origin: Lyran constellation.
- • Description: Beings with cat-like and bird-like physical features. They are depicted in many ancient Egyptian artworks as gods with feline or bird heads.
- • Traits: Known for their telepathic and psychic abilities, often seen as guardians of wisdom and future predictions.
- • Origin: Sirius stars, particularly Sirius A and Sirius B.
- • Description: Sirius A is the brightest star in our night sky, while Sirius B is said to be a water-based planet, home to aquatic beings or merpeople.
- • Traits: Believed to be the originators of life on Earth, often seen as benevolent and wise.
- • Origin: Maldek, a planet that was once part of our solar system.
- • Description: These beings are thought to be similar to humans, with a history of destroying their own planet due to resource exploitation.
- • Traits: Serve as a cautionary tale for humanity, emphasizing the importance of sustainable living and avoiding self-destruction.
What are extra-dimensional beings? Our definition
First, let us discuss the topic of dimensions or extra dimensions. If we consider the topic of Einstein’s idea of space-time (being a part of his general relativity theory in quantum physics), we understand the universe has three visible dimensions, inclusive of the three spatial dimensions of space, namely length, width, and depth, with the 4th dimension being time. But, if we then consider the superstring theory we understand that there are more dimensions than meets the eye. Dimensions are the different levels of how we perceive reality. The string theory, or M-theory, explains how the universe, or multiverse, has up to 10 other dimensions, as well as the dimension of time, or the fourth dimension
It is said that if we were to perceive the world from the 5th dimension we would get the impression of other worlds existing. Ideally, if one were to learn how to reach the 5th and 6th dimensions one would master time travel, in terms of the past and future. Within the 7th dimension, everything is different. Where in the fifth dimension, or the sixth, conditions were the same with differing results or actions, but the seventh has totally different conditions to start with. The history of these possible worlds and universes is shown within the 8th dimension, branching out infinitely, and the 9th dimension is where one can compare all the possible universe histories. Then finally, we reach the 10th and last dimension – where every reality is possible and anything can be imagined and put into reality. We, humans, have no ability to perceive these higher dimensions besides the three ones we can see
Extra-dimensional beings would be lifeforms that come from these other dimensions. Whether they are beings that reside on other planets within other universes, using supposed wormholes or warp drive as we hear about in science fiction movies, as a form of travel between universes, or whether they actually reside within these other dimensional worlds, remains to be known. Science revolves around everything from our physical world, so it will be hard to prove the existence of beings within these other dimensions as there is nothing physical about them. With the influence of many methods like meditation or hypnotherapy, we as human beings are able to tap into these higher dimensions. Even though it can not be explained, it can be experienced, so if we, with our limited human minds, can experience such phenomena, who could write off the possibility of other beings existing within those dimensions?
Are aliens extra-dimensional beings?
It would depend on what you mean by the term alien. Citings of supposed aliens or UFOs have been reported over thousands of years and knowing how many different universes there are it would be quite an arrogant thought to think that our earth is the only planet with life. Yet, the term extra-terrestrials literally means, “not from this earth, or atmosphere”. In the past, our understanding of aliens, from books and movies like Star Trek, is that they’re usually of a physical body. But why have we not found them yet? It might be that they exist in unfathomable ways to our limited human minds. These supposed life-containing other-universes are too far away for even extra-terrestrials to get here to earth for us to witness their random flashing or moving lights in the sky. It is believed, however, that extra-terrestrials are actually higher beings from higher dimensions, which is why they are able to travel between dimensions. From their world to ours.
List of different types of interdimensional beings and other dimensional creatures
We have all by now, I’m sure, heard bout starseeds. If not, you can read up on them here. If it is believed that some of us humans are descendants from these mostly humanoid extraterrestrials or extra-dimensional aliens from far-off solar systems or universes. Therefore, if we could be of alien origin, then these beings must’ve worked out how to travel here through the millions of light-years. Below is a list of some other-dimensional creatures
If you look up at the night sky, you’ll eventually see the cluster of stars we’ve named the Seven Sisters. This is also known as the Pleiades. It is said that Pleiadians are fifth-dimensional in existence, which is the realm that love and creativity come from. Pleiadians are thought to be the bookkeepers, historians, or record and knowledge keepers of Earth. They claim our planet is more than a 600billion years old.
Reptilians are notorious for being evil or having ill intentions. With the look of a lizard being its original form, these beings can shape-shift, choosing to take on any other form. Having invaded Earth from another planet in the multiverse.
Arcturus is the Arcturian’s home planet. Arcturians are well advanced both mentally and emotionally, they were said to be the healers or shamans of humanity.
The science lovers. They believe and obsess over anything to do with research or scientific topics but their empathetical skills need some work.
Beings from the Lyran constellation have very cat-like and bird-like physical features. Those who are descendants of the Feline species are said to have abilities in predicting the future as Felines are telepathic and psychic. Much of the ancient Egyptian art depicts gods with cat or bird heads instead of human ones.
Most of the original inhabitants of Sirian are from the Lyran constellation. There are two Sirius stars, namely A and B, yet the Sirius A star is the brightest star in our Earth’s night sky. Sirius B is a water-based planet and said to be the home of what we understand as merpeople. Sirius A and B are said to be the originators of life on earth.
We humans here on earth are much similar to those beings from Maldek, a planet within our solar system having a similar climate and bearing vegetation. We must heed the lessons from the Maldeks who destroyed their planet in their hunger for resources and power. We are well on our way to repeating their mistakes.
Is there proof of extra-dimensional beings?
There are tons and tons of research on the topic of aliens or extra-dimensional beings, yet not much to prove it. As we said about science is a fan of everything physical or concrete, which is why it struggles to measure anything emotional or psychological. The same applies to these extra-dimensions which we can’t see. Even though there may be minimal proof on the topic, it still cannot be disproven.
Are there 2-dimensional beings?
Through research, it has been found that gravity is possible within a 2-dimensional world. This makes life possible, even if we can’t imagine it. Therefore, if life is possible, then 2-dimensional beings are too.
How many dimensions are there in our universe?
As humans, with our limited perception, we are aware of three physical and spatial dimensions, length, width, and depth. There are more than those visible dimensions. The fourth dimension is time and there are six other higher dimensions. Altogether there are 11 dimensions in our universe.
How many dimensions are proven?
Only the three physical dimensions, length, width, and depth are proven dimensions of our universe, as well as the dimension of time. We may not see time itself but we can see the effects of it, therefore it can be proven. The other six dimensions are still only theoretical in nature.
How many dimensions do we live in?
As human beings, we live within the three physical dimensions, length, width, and depth. We do not live in the 4th dimension, we simply perceive it by measuring each day by the movements of the sun and the rotation between seasons. It is possible for us to perceive the higher dimensions, spiritually. This is done by means of meditation, hypnotherapy or regression therapy, and certain psychedelic plants.
How to see other dimensional beings
To see other-dimensional beings, you can use methods that alter your consciousness and open your mind to higher dimensions. By practicing deep meditation, you can achieve heightened states of awareness. Focused breathing and visualization techniques help you transcend normal perception, allowing you to sense or see beings from other dimensions. Hypnosis, especially when guided by a trained hypnotherapist, can access the subconscious mind. This state can open a window to higher dimensions, enabling you to perceive other-dimensional entities.
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Jade Small
I am a creative and a wanderer. Mysteries and connections are what inspire me to write. While on my path, my purpose is to bring you information to help inspire you on your journey on this place called earth.
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