Although this session was done several years ago it has never been forgotten, I can recall it like it was yesterday. By their nature every QHHT session is unique, but this one was one of a handful that I will always remember because it was even more unusual …Let me explain:
This male client was in his late 40’s at the time of the session. He wanted to be able to relax so he could meditate and relieve stress, he found he just couldn’t let the mind chatter go in order to meditate.
Something that struck me odd right at the beginning as I listened to him tell me about his life was his overwhelming concern for his family’s safety during a cataclysmic event he was certain would strike us in 2 years time. He was quite certain the ocean would rise and flood this area (Vancouver, BC) up to a certain elevation. He wanted to find a safe place for his family to escape to above this elevation, sorry I can’t remember the elevation.
He had been able to find a possible location up in the mountains. A large landowner was allowing families to lease a small portions of his land at very low cost for recreational use. Problem was, you had to be interviewed by this landowner and he must like you in order to obtain permission.
His certainty that this event was going to happen felt odd to me, it didn’t mesh with my beliefs, my reality, but then he wasn’t here to discuss my beliefs so I put it aside and we continued. This in hindsight was clue number 1.
The client settled nicely, despite his concerns about not being able to relax, if I remember correctly he was somnambulistic, which means he was able to allow himself to relax so deeply he was re-living a past life as though he was that person in that body, with all of the smells, sounds, emotions, etc, to go with.
As he spoke about what he was experiencing he sensed himself as a young boy standing in the middle of a suburban street near the city of Chicago during the 1950’s. He recognized the cars of the 50’s.era lined up along the street, and his typical 1950’s home to me as we went inside. His Mom was busy cooking dinner and Dad would soon be home. The scene continued through Dad arriving and dinner set on the table, very typical of the 1950’s.
Then I asked him to go to an important day in which he told me his Dad was home and they were preparing to go into the bomb shelter located in their back yard. Spending part of my childhood in the U.S. during the late 50’s and 60’s I know that many households had installed bomb shelters in their back yards as a precaution in this “Cold War era”. So this didn’t strike me as particularly odd, but what he said next did.
He and his family had to stay in the shelter for about 2 weeks because Russia was about to bomb Chicago with a nuclear bomb. As I continued to ask him questions about this you can imagine what’s going on in my mind as I try to understand this, after all in my timeline Russia has never dropped a nuclear bomb anywhere on U.S. soil!
He continued, saying that after about 2 weeks everyone was allowed to come out and the neighbors all worked together to help each other repair any damage to their houses. His house was left intact, but some were damaged.
In the next important day, still a child, he was sitting, very distressed in a hospital hallway. His Mother was in hospital, she had cancer and his Father wouldn’t allow him to come into her room. His Father thought it better he stay in the hallway. The client was aware that his Mother was dying and very distressed over not being able to say goodbye to his her. I then asked if he would like to say goodbye to his Mother as in this state we are able to pass through the door and visit, would he like to do that?….Yes, his face lit up and he was able to find some measure of relief as he said goodbye to his Mother.
On the client’s last day he was now an old man, living alone. His wife had transitioned years before and he had just had a visit with one of his children and his grandchildren. All seemed to have worked out well, he was able to have a normal, healthy life into old age, but as he turned and walked into his kitchen he suddenly fell and dying instantly from a heart attack.
I don’t remember the exact age of the client in this life when he saw me, nor the exact age of the older man, but at the time I did the math and it didn’t add up. There was an overlap of a few years where the previous life hadn’t ended and his currant life began! The client never questioned the time difference though, nor did he mention it being odd that Russia had bombed Chicago!
The only way I’ve been able to understand this session is with information I had gleaned about parallel lives and how it is believed we all have multiple lives in many different places/realities/dimensions all running concurrently.
I’m aware that linear time as we know it is not real, all time is NOW and it’s only 3D Earth that holds a belief in linear time, but I have to admit, it’s still hard for this 3D mind to pretzel around that concept!
Not only that, doesn’t this concept of time being non-linear conflict with our 3-D understanding of reincarnation, after all how can we have past lives if all lives are being experienced NOW?
Is it possible that we could meet one of our other selves in our current life? Dolores Cannon found this to be true as I have in sessions where the person recognizes the ET being with them as themselves. Are we truly all ONE?
About a half hour after this client left me I got a call from him. He was still on the road but wanted to tell me he had just received a call from the man with the land he wanted to lease and he was approved! I never heard from him again.
I’ve thought about this odd session often and I’ve come to the conclusion this man and I may have made an agreement long before we entered our current lives, to meet for a few hours, each existing in different timelines, maybe even different past life timelines to help each other. I helped him through hypnosis to say goodbye to his mother and release the grief he unknowingly carried in this life, and he helped me to understand a little more how timelines and parallel lives work. As is said so often….”I’ll believe it when I see it”
By Marilyn Dyke
Web site – www.bodysoulapothecary.com
Email – [email protected]
Thank you for shering.
It does not surprise me. I occasionally get a kind of glimpse, faint memory of a life that I do not know but which seems to be now, but not the life I know as my life. At first I thought it was fantasy, but over time I have experienced it as recurring thoughts and flashes of images of something going on now at the same time as what I am experiencing consciously.