Without a doubt, 2020 is a year that has been much awaited and brings with it many questions of what changes are in store. Many of my clients have traveled to me in the Florida Keys on a quest to shed some light on the mysteries this enigmatic year will hold. Here is a glimpse into some of my favorite sessions and the 2020 predictions they foresee.
Me: my client wants to know if the stock market will crash this year.
SC: no, but there will be big fluctuations in the market, there may be times when it will look as if it will, but it will not.
SC: no, but there will be big fluctuations in the market, there may be times when it will look as if it will, but it will not.
Me: she has been wondering about the big awakening and what it is all about.
SC: this is on target and happening now, this year, as we speak.
Me: can you tell me more
SC: when you look back a year from now you will be pleasantly surprised at the growth that is to come this year. This is a destined year for people to become more aware and less lost. The way humans perceive their relationships, specifically gender roles and racial issues will take a huge step forward this year. Many old programs that didn’t work are breaking away allowing for a new way of true acceptance of one another. Some of you are starting to figure out why you’re actually here.
Me: why are we here?
SC: to learn and understand who you really are and to be that person, not someone else. To experience in full this life as this unique individual.
Me: what’s the best way to do that?
SC: to be curious about yourself.
Me: she wants to know if we’re moving into a different dimension in 2020. Will she be moving to the 5th dimension.
SC: ugh, humans are always trying to put labels on things.
(Me thinking yes, please answer this question because I’d like to know too)
SC: this goes hand in hand with the big awakening. The more a human understands, accepts, and becomes who they truly are the more they increase their vibration and (move in dimension) she already spends most of her time in the 5th dimension. The 5th dimension is just a way of being. It isn’t as if she will leave and go anywhere. This is a big year for this awakening and yes, many will go into the 5th dimension. It is not to say that there is anything wrong with the 4th or 3rd, this is an individual choice.
Me: she wants to know about the event and the light wave? Is this coming in 2020?
SC: it is happening now.

Me: please do tell
SC: some of the light comes from natural sources, like your sun for example and some comes from your devices.
Me: you mean like cell phones?
SC: yes, there has never been a time like this in this most recent history where information and access to this was so readily available, to help humans awaken. The light from the tablets, phones etc, is creating changes to the human brain. It is rewiring their brain so that they are becoming used to and learning instant manifestation. It is lighting up areas of the brain that have never been lit up before and it’s creating a coordination in the synapses that is creating an enlightening effect.
Me: so there is a hidden benefit to the cell phone?
SC: yes, many call it The EVENT…
Me: What about radiation and exposure?
SC: of course there is a balance one should keep and a knowing when one has had too much exposure. However, there is an adaptation process occurring in humans, as there was in ancient man with the radiation that was in bananas. The small amounts of radiation then and now lead to more growth and expansion in the human brain that would never have happened without the radiation. However, when you come into a world with the disease of fear often times things that could be beneficial can also become misconstrued.
Me: will there be disclosure in 2020 that will lead to everyone knowing about extra terrestrials?
SC: while Everyone will not know about extra terrestrials in 2020 there will be more people becoming more and more confident in their communication with them. As people are waking up this year more people are starting to understand that the contact with them they’re making, the sightings they see and the communication they feel are not actually with (aliens) but with their own ancestors.
Me: ok, so what advice would you give her for 2020
SC: look for the good, be curious about who she truly is, and enjoy this experience. 2020 is an inwards journey.

By Sarah Breskman Cosme
Wonderful. Many thanks and happy 2020 to you all.
Hi Sarah, thak you so muchl for sharing.
Thank you for sharing! This is in alignment with what is coming through in so many sessions! Yay for 2020!
Sarah thank u 4 sharing the changes in 2020. I enjoyed the part that we’ll be more confident communicating w/ our alien ancestors.
Thanks for sharing!
Love the detail. Thank you!
This gives my heart some rest… fewf.. thank you for posting this.
Eh bien maintenant qu’on est fin 2020, on comprend mieux ! Par contre j’avoue avoir été très étonnée par ce qui a été dit sur les portables. Effectivement , on nous prépare à plein de choses ! Et il est temps de se débarrasser des peurs ( même si le COVID n’aide pas )