‘Humans are Multidimensional. So you continue to believe in “one body, one soul.” The reality is that every Human alive is multidimensional and is in many places at one time. Even as you sit there reading this, parts and pieces of you are in other places doing other things.’ ~ KRYON(through Lee Carroll, from Kryon Book Ten: A New Dispensation)
As a QHHT Practitioner I truly believe I have the best job in the world where I get to time, space and dimension travel with my clients to explore deep into their consciousness for answers, healing and guidance that serve their highest good. Often time the information and insights that came through are not only interesting but also mind-bending, cracking my conscious mind wide open to accept even more possibilities. Lately I have had many clients demonstrate their multidimensional nature as dimensional beings just like what KRYON said on the above quote. Below is the part of a session I got permission from my client Belle (not her real name) to share. It was a super fun session with lots of twists and surprises. It’s a bit long but I hope you’ll enjoy it as much as we did, perhaps with some new knowledge or insights that surprise you in a good way too. 🙂
(Jovy in Bold ; Client/Higher Self in regular typeface)
Ancient Egypt – Lioness, Blue Avian and Portals
I see a triangle, and they’re calling me to come to the window. It’s a triangle, and I can see Egypt.
Do you want to go there?
I guess so (laughing out loud).
So where are you now?
I’m with friends. They are lions. They are Lyrans. And I’m looking at the pyramids.
What do they look like?
Beautiful. They changed from being the ones we normally see, to beautiful white marble pyramids.
What else do you see?
I see the top part is made of gold… They are asking me to cross over to that triangle (started laughing again) but I don’t want to.
Who are they?
They are three lionesses.
What do they look like?
They are…they are…I feel like a child (giggling). Hmm, one is brown caramel color with black polka dots. Oh, I am blue! That’s so cool. I am a lion too. Lioness or lion. I’m not sure (laughing). Blue fur.
That’s really cool. How about the other two?
One is black completely, like a panther. And the other one…she’s beautiful, she’s blonde, she has long hair. She is really beautiful.
So you’re blue, with blue fur…
Yes, and I have freckles on my face (laughing).
Is your body male or female?
I think it’s both.
Does it feel to you that you are young or older?
I’m getting “wise”, so I don’t know (laughing).
Is your body healthy? Yes.
So they want you to go pass that triangle? Yes.
And where is this triangle?
I think I’m in a ship, and they’re calling me to get into the door. The door is the triangle.
What kind of a ship is this?
Oh, I don’t know. It’s alive…it’s not metal.
Describe this ship to me.
She knows what you want, where you want to go, what you need. She is a part of us.
She is a part of you and your friends?
Yes, and the team.
The team is the four of you?
No, it’s a collective.
So who is telling you to go pass that triangle now?
(laughing) It’s M (her friend in this current lifetime). She’s a friend. She’s calling me. I just grab her hand.
Is she one of those lionesses? Yes.
Which one?
The Caramel brown one with black polka dots.
Is she going to go with you or is it just you going?
We’re all going. The four of us.
And where is this triangle door located at in this ship?
We’re in the sky, and we’re going to go down to Egypt. I think we are going to become a bubble of energy, like spaceship made by us. That’s cool!
Alright, so where are you now?
I’m at the window, at the door. It’s a door, not a window. And I had to jump (laughing out loud). Two of them are gone already.
So it’s just M and you here?
Yes, (laughing) I’m milking it I think.
So what do you do now?
I just let go and do it I guess… Okay, I’m off.
How does it feel?
Weird. I’m floating. Oh, I’m feeling a lot of energy around me, and I can see everything. Everything is clear. And there’s no… It’s me, I’m the ship. I’m an energy ball, and I’m in the middle.
I wonder does your energy ball have any color?
Blue, same color as my fur (laughing).
How about the others?
Oh, they are playing around. We’re having fun.
Are they also energy balls?
Yes, they have different colors.
I see. You said you can feel the energy around you. What does the energy around you feel like?
Magnificent. I am the ship, I am me. I am connected. I made it.
How about the others?
Same. They are just bubbles of energy and they are sitting down in the middle like me.
Are you having fun like the others?
Yes (sounded reluctant), I’m just following and kind of freaking out at the same time (laughing). They are having fun.
Alright, are you still floating down?
I’m going down. Oh no, I’m down already. Okay…
What do you see down here?
It’s hot, very hot. I don’t like it.
Now that you’re down here, are you still a light bubble?
No, just the blue lion (burst into laughter again).
How about the others? Are they here with you? Yes.
Have they turned back into their lion bodies? Yes.
So look around and tell me what do you see in this place?
We’re in a palace. At the entrance. It’s really nice and cool. It has white curtains flowing away.
Apart from the four of you, do you see anyone else in this palace?
We’re walking. I think we’re meeting someone.
How do you walk? Normal.
With all four?
No, just two. I have human body with very thin fur. There are my same features but a bit distorted, like a lioness.
So, with the human body, I wonder do you have a tail like a lion?
Yes, I do! I like it (started laughing).
Have you arrived at the place where you are going to meet that someone?
Yes, I’m sitting down and we’re listening to what we have to do.
Where are you now?
In the same palace, sitting on marble steps, and there are fruits next to me.
Are the other three sitting down at the same place?
No, they are standing…no, some are sitting down too. My friend is standing.
Who is speaking?
Someone…hahahahaha, I can’t hear them. One of the lionesses, the beautiful blonde one, is talking to someone…Oh, he is not human either. He is beautiful! He is full of feathers and he is blue. He has human body, and bird face. (Note: client later told me he was a Blue Avian)
What does his bird face look like? Can you describe to me?
He’s just beautiful, and he’s very handsome. He’s speaking to one of the lionesses, the beautiful one. I think we are waiting for what we have to do, but I can’t hear what he says.
Will the blonde one tell you all afterwards?
I think so. I believe I can’t hear him is because I’m not interested (laughing). I’m looking at the apple now. I think I’m not happy. I’m grumpy for some reason (laughing again).
How about your friends? Do they look grumpy as well?
No, they just look like they’re waiting, and enjoying. I don’t know why I’m grumpy…I don’t want to do something, and they’re making me do it.
Why would they make you do something you don’t want to do?
I don’t know. I think I don’t agree with it.
How about your friends?
Oh! (exclaimed) We are closing portals…in Egypt!! And I don’t want to close them.
Why not?
Cause we’re the guardians of the portals.
Why do they need to close the portals?
Because humans are not behaving.
What would happen if the portals are not closed?
They will abuse the energies. They are abusing the energies. They are not abiding by the Law of One.
So the portals need to be closed?
Yes, but I like humans. They have a big heart.
So not all humans are bad, right?
No, just certain ones.
Is there something you can do about it?
No, just follow the rules. That’s why I’m grumpy (bursting into laughter again)…We’re closing the portals now.
How do you do that?
Energetically. We go to them in our bubbles and then we just close them.
I wonder where are those portals?
Near the pyramids.
All the portals are near the pyramids?
These ones. There are two only. They are closed already. I feel sad.
I wonder how would that impact humans now that the portals are closed.
It will take a long time for the humans to grow and come back.
What are the functions of these portals?
For us, the aliens, to come in and out. But the humans are not using the energy properly. We need to go. We are not allowed to interact anymore.
So before you closed the portals, did the humans know that aliens are coming in and out?
Yes, they like aliens. They are friends.
I wonder what do you do together with the humans?
We teach them. We teach them how to connect, how to use the body, how to use the energies in the body.
How to connect with what?
With the Source.
That sounds like something important…
HE is beautiful. HE, SHE, doesn’t have a… HE’s like me, balanced, no sex.
What are the benefits for the humans if they are able to connect with the Source?
Oh, it’s magical! You can bring the Light inside your heart, and you can expand and help others.
Did some humans learn that?
Yes, but some used that for the wrong reasons.
What kind of wrong reasons?
Is that why they want to close the portals?
Yes. The humans don’t know how to balance the energies. They are abusing it. It’s time for us to go.
Underneath the Earth – Inner Sun, Crystal Houses and All Things Glow
Now that you have closed the portals, how do you get out?
We don’t need portals to get out. They are for other aliens. We live underneath the Earth.
Are you allowed to stay on Earth?
We have to go under now.
How do you get back to underneath the Earth?
Through the pyramids. Underneath there are tunnels.
I wonder who built the tunnels?
Long time ago, it was us. Not us as Lyrans, but all of us as aliens.
Is it just the Lyrans who live underneath the Earth?
No, a lot of alien races and some humans, too.
Oh, some humans, too? I thought all humans are living on the surface of the Earth. How come they live underneath?
The Mayans…they found the way to go into the portals.
Is it allowed?
They are not human-human, they are hybrids. Half human, half aliens.
Is that why they’re able to live underneath the Earth?
Yes, but humans can live there, too. There are some, not many, but there are some.
I wonder do they need to have special qualities or abilities before they can come down and live here?
You need to have pure heart, and pure intents.
Those Mayans, did they attain pure hearts and pure intents when they came here?
Yes, some of them, but not all of them.
What happened to the ones who didn’t?
They just live up on the Earth
So there is a diverse population of many species here then?
I’m walking in the tunnels. I’m almost home.
Do you need to do anything with the tunnels?
No, just walk… Oh, I’m already inside the covered area. It’s inside a mountain, underneath. It’s beautiful. It’s blue. There’s a blue light. And I’m walking through the farms. It’s my favorite place.
Does it look like the farms on Earth?
It’s similar. Very similar but it glows a little bit.
You mentioned a blue light.
A: Yes, it’s our Inner Sun.
How about the various things that you see here? Do they look like things on Earth or do they look different?
They look different. It’s like living in a cave, but then having everything. We have gardens, we have lakes, we even have an inner sea. And then we have crystal houses. They are really pretty. I think they are crystals.
How come you think they are crystals?
They glow a little bit. They are see-through. And they are white. They look like agate.
So some people here live in a cave and some in those crystal houses?
No, we are living inside the cave. The cave is a huge cave, and then we have houses. It’s like a village. Everything is inside this cave.
I see. So the Inner Sun is within this cave?
Yes. We even have trees. Tall trees.
Do they look like trees on the surface of Earth?
Yeah, very similar, except that they glow.
What are you doing now?
I’m in my house. I thought I was preparing food, but I’m preparing energy. I don’t know what it is… It’s cool!
How do you prepare energy?
I don’t know. I’m doing something with my hands.
I wonder do you have any furniture in the house?
The sofa comes out from the wall so it’s part of the house. My bed is part of the wall, but it’s very comfortable.
Are they made of those crystals as well?
Yes, they are. My house is tiny but cozy.
And you are preparing energy with your hands…
I’m doing an energy ball. It looked blue at the beginning, but now it changes in different colors. It’s going golden, and then pink…I think I’m just playing. It’s a game.
Are you with anyone?
I’m by myself (started laughing). I thought I was with people, but no, I’m all by myself.
How does it feel for you now that you are home?
I’m getting ready to leave Earth. That’s why I came back. It’s a temporary house.
Is this place, the entire underneath the surface of Earth place a temporary home for everyone or just for you?
Just for me.
And you’re getting ready to leave Earth?
Yes, that’s why I’m sad. I don’t want to leave.
Why do you need to leave?
It’s time for me to go, I need to do other things. I have another mission.
How do you know you have another mission?
I chose it.
I see. So what are you doing now?
I’m in a white room. I don’t think I’m in Earth anymore. Not inside or on Earth. I’m with the sphere. I’m in a spaceship. Cool! (smiling)
Back on the Ship – Aliens, Galactic Council and Earth’s Progress
Is it the same ship or a different one?
It’s the same ship. Yes, my friends are back. All three of them.
How do you feel when you see them?
Very happy! We’re gossiping (laughing).
About what?
Our adventures in Earth. I feel like a teenager. I don’t think I’m very old but I’m very wise. I don’t understand that.
Are there others apart from the four of you in this ship?
Yes, there’s a lot of people. But we’re not only Lyrans. It’s a collective. We’re all different races together, working with each other.
Are there any humans?
They come and go. They’re not allowed to come for much. Only an hour or less.
What do they do when they come here?
They get information. Then they go back. This ship is just for aliens.
What kind of things are you guys working on?
We’re at a table sitting down right now. We’re just chatting. The table is round, oval-ish in shape. It’s white. I’m wearing a suit. Cool!
How does this suit look like?
It’s very thin and really nice. Color same as my skin.
How about your friends? Do they wear suits as well?
Yes, it’s like invisible but it’s there. Not invisible but it’s thin. Very thin. It works with your body. It gives you what you need. It fits your body perfectly. Adjusts to my temperature needs or whatever my body needs.
Is it covering your entire body?
Yes, but neck, head and hands are out, and then I have shoes on-ish.
How about the others who sit around this table? Do they all wear the same suit?
Yes, it’s part of the federation.
So, you are part of this federation? Yes.
What is this federation for?
It’s Galactic Federation. We are looking, we’re just… (exclaimed) Aww, we are observing the humans, how they are evolving. That’s what we’re doing on the table!!
How do you do that when you’re just sitting next to each other on this table?
It’s part of us. We can make it with our energies and check in.
The other aliens can all do the same thing?
Yes. We’re in charge of some of the aliens that are on Earth. I want to be one of them…one of the humans…
I thought aliens are not allowed on Earth anymore…
No, we come in as humans. I think, as we move in time.
What is the purpose of the aliens being on Earth?
To heal, to awaken, to help the humans transition.
Transition to what?
Gaia doesn’t want to be 3D anymore. She doesn’t like this density anymore. She wants to be in 5 (Note: 5th dimension). She’s already 5. It’s just the habitants, the humans that need to transition to 5.
Two Parts of the Same Being??
Just now you said you want to be one of them.
Yeah, I think I’m one of them. Oh, this is really weird (exclaimed). Okay…so I’m here on the table, and I’m out there on Earth at the same time.
Why do you want to be one of them on Earth?
To help. To expand.
You mean by helping humans you get to expand yourself?
No, backwards. If I expand, I can help humans. And I want to help them.
I remember you told me you like them.
Yeah, I love them.
Is that why you want to be on Earth? Yes.
How do you accomplish this expansion?
Learning how to use my gifts, the gifts I chose.
And what are they?
There’re a lot. I can heal, I can see the future, I can see the past and present, how is it gonna change, I can feel…a lot, that’s how I connect, through feeling. And I keep the Source with me. And with the feelings I can expand with HIM, or with HER, depending what the Earth needs.
You told me a part of you is on Earth as a human, and a part of you is…
(laughing) I’m upstairs on a spaceship
Are you observing yourself on Earth as well?
Yes, I’m a little pissed. So it’s me on the spaceship, there’s a piece of me in the vessel as human, in Belle.
I wonder do you connect, and talk sometimes?
Oh we talk all the times. She thinks I don’t talk to her, but it’s always me (laughing).
Now she knows.
Yes, naughty! (giggling)
So the part of you that has been monitoring human’s progress from the spaceship, have you been doing that for a while?
Yes, since the time of Egypt.
The Human Race, The First Land and The Hybrids
That time in Egypt, was that the Egypt we have history about? Or the Egypt more ancient than that?
It’s more ancient. Wayyyyyy more ancient. It was not Egyptians. It was the Lemurians who did it…and then they expanded. And then they failed, and the Annunakis came. And then failed again. And then Atlantis came up again, and they failed again. And I think we have one more last chance.
Well that part of Egypt has always been very interesting, those lion-head statues…
Yes, it’s us (laughing).
I wonder who built them?
The Egyptians. They carved us as memories, and as the tradition and history that we were a part of to pass down.
I thought they didn’t see you guys.
Yes, they did, at the beginning. We were a part of it. We helped build everything. The Lemurians were the first ones to come in to prepare the forming of Earth. The land was very mushy. Gaia wanted to have the experience of having humans. She loves humans too.
So the Lemurians, are they humans or are they all aliens?
They are aliens and they are be-au-ti-ful!
What do they look like?
They are light beings. They are very Earthy. They love Earth. They love to construct. And they’re very kind. Very kind to Belle.
By the time Lemuria fell, were the Lemurians at that time hybrids? Or were they all aliens?
They were all aliens. It was created in Australia. It was a huge piece of land. The first land was Australia. And it was way bigger than the Australia you have now. There was nothing else. There was only Australia but bigger. It was a mass of land. Then there were wars, and conflicts and it fell. That was abused by the powers among the humans. The Lemurians only built it, and they put a little piece of them in the humanoid on the land, and they evolved. The Lemurians brought some humans to Earth. They were not from here.
So in a way the human beings were like coming up from a “lab” as the Lemurians put a little bit of themselves in the humanoids?
Not really, no. It’s a part of us, and a part of them. It’s just a merge.
Where did the first human come from?
Oh…many, many galaxies away. There are humans everywhere. We on Earth just call them humans. To other planets and galaxies, they are all aliens. (laughing) We are all aliens. Humans are just one of the races.
So some humans chose the Earth?
Yes, and they came. And the Lemurians came and helped.
Like yourself, you said you gave some to the humans. I’m trying to understand, is it true that a lot of the alien races contributed some of their genes and energies to make this new human race which is slightly different from the other humans living on other planets?
There are some cases…so there are hybrids. Hybrids are like Jesus Christ. Mary and Joseph couldn’t have a child. She was very special. She was an alien. He was human-ish. He was mixed. And because Mary couldn’t have human baby, they put DNA inside her uterus and grew Jesus Christ but he, Jesus, was alien. And he was half alien, half human because he grew in Mary’s stomach. So there are some like this, there are some like us that are aliens just in vessels, and then there are the ones that are halves…they are humans but they are halves, they are mixed. It’s difficult to explain that one…
That’s alright. So there are all kinds. How about Belle?
Oh, she’s all alien. (laughing) Yes!
But she still needs to go through this reincarnation process, being born to this body…
Yes, she’s doing it now.
I wonder is this the first human life that she has?
This is her first. She’s a volunteer. This is her first. That’s why she feels very young. (laughing)
But she kept feeling that you are very wise, is it because you’re more ancient than this vessel?
Yes, but not really young for the standard alien.
Real Time Chat with the Galactic Council
It sounds like there are so many alien races helping us. Look at this Galactic Federation. You guys are monitoring human’s progress.
Yes, we’re here today.
Wonderful. I wonder how Earth is doing now?
Much better! We just need to hold the light.
You mean by being on the ship doing what you do there?
Yes, and on Earth, to make this a better world like Dolores (Note: my teacher Dolores Cannon who created QHHT) said.
There’re so many of us down here on Earth holding the light now. I have a good feeling about Earth…
Yes, hopefully it goes smoothly for the humans. The time is coming. We’re counting down.
Just now Belle said it’s so weird that you’re up there and she’s down here on Earth.
Yeah, we’re one.
In your own words, how would you describe yourself to her? Can she consider you her Higher Self?
No, she’s a part of me. I’m not her Higher Self.
So you’re up on the ship now?
Yes, right now I’m looking down at you guys.
How fun! Do you have any advice, anything you want to tell Belle right now?
(Laughing) This is crazy!
I assure you that it’s not, and I’m loving it! From your perspective you can see things differently. Is there something you would like us to know?
We’re just looking. We’re learning. And we’re very proud of humans on Earth. They are evolving. They’re starting to work with each other. They are starting to notice that they need to change, that the system doesn’t work anymore. You’ll do it. You’re almost there.
You mean us as a collective?
Yes, you as a collective.
Before I ask you to get back to where you belong…
Yes, I’ll be looking, don’t worry. (laughing) I’ll always be there, always.
Before you go, do you have any parting message for Belle?
Continue her hard work. She’s doing wonderfully. She’s wonderful. She’s magnificent. She has a lot of powers, and she doesn’t believe in herself. And they’re all gonna start coming in very soon. She can change energies. She can transmute them. She can take karma from people and change it. She can heal. Heal really well. You don’t need medicine. Humans don’t need medicine anymore. Yeah.
Q&A with the Higher Self
You Showed her the time when she closed the portals in an ancient time, even before ancient Egypt that we refer to today. I wonder why did you choose that?
Because she started looking at it and she didn’t finish. She got distracted and didn’t have the whole picture. Now she will feel more comfortable and not scared. And she knows someone in the human life, M, the one in the door with her, the one with the pink hair, the caramel black dots lioness. So it was easier. M gave her a lot of confidence to go through the portal.
Does M do the same thing in this lifetime? To help her and give her confidence?
Yes, she’s very similar to Bella. She has a lot of powers too.
Do they have an agreement or contract for helping each other out in this lifetime?
Yes, they did. They decided to come together, but in different places and they will meet. And they just met a month ago. They’re very good friends.
And they will continue to support each other? Yes.
The part of her that’s on the ship, why did you want to show her that?
Because she needs confidence to start listening to us better. And she always wonders. This will give her better perspective of the reality that she’s seeking.
I’m not surprised at all. We’re way bigger than this little human body. So a part of her is on the ship, and a part of her is here in this body?
Yes. The lionesses are up there looking at us down here. That’s why they are looking at the table. The table has all the information. It’s like a computer for you humans. They just tune in to the table and they’ll see what’s happening.
Is it by frequency? Energy.
Anything else?
It was important for her. For her confidence and to take down and rip off her fear. No more fear. She needs to get her powers. All her powers.
I wonder what’s the source of her fear?
She came in with a contract (giggling). She decided to put a lot of fear to herself.
She’s curious. She’s been very brave as an alien and has no fear. So she wanted to experiment it. (laughing) She’s a warrior.
Well, has she experienced enough?
Yes, (laughing), I think that’s enough.
So she doesn’t need that anymore?
No, no more. I’m taking them all away. No more fear for her now.
Belle’s Higher Self went on answering all her questions and addressed her healing needs. Some interesting information about the Akashic Library and Soul Contract were given at the end. Stay tuned to my next blog for those info!
With love & blessings,
Jovy Wan
QHHT Level 3 Practitioner
Copyright © 2019 by Jovy Wan www.luruswisdom.com. All Rights Reserved. Permission to share this blog article is granted as long as all of its contents and links remain intact and unaltered.
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Amazing? Thank you so much for sharing!
(Physics we do not really understand)
Cal Tec Physics Professor Emeritus, Kip Thorne, worked with the producers and directors of movie “Interstellar” with the goal of using real physics for the portrayals in the movie. Thorne’s book, “The Science of Interstellar” covers a lot of territory, warped time on a planet circling a black hole, where a 20 minute retrieval by the astronauts on the surface of the planet, cost the team an additional 23 years back on earth.
At about 9:50+- into the video explaining https://youtu.be/kcVdY-PKHdk astronaut Anne Hathaway delivers an emotional explanation “time doesn’t run backwards”
“Time is relative,” …. gasping back tears …”Okay?…It can stretch and it can squeeze, …but…it can’t run backwards….just can’t.”
Here’s a discovery my hypnosis instructor uncovered through a technique that can be repeated. Kip Thorne ends the movie on this very point.
All time exists all the time. It doesn’t need to run backwards, because all past events are accessible everywhere.
Thorne uses the physical construct of time, something our three dimensional minds might understand, called a tesseract created by advanced beings where all of time’s unique realities can be viewed at any point selected.
My hypnosis teacher took the subject first into somnambulistic trance. Then regressed them into a past life, then through a death, then into the between life state where they were very relaxed.
Then using language Mrs Cannon may not have realized is essentially identical to advanced remote viewing techniques, she instructed the subject to find Nostradamus. (Note, Nostradamus first initiated prior contact)
The subject cautiously would enter Nostradamus’s upper chamber room. There the subject would wait in invisible spirit form until Nostradamus validated they were not an evil or negative entity. Once validated by Nostradamus as positive, the time traveler entered conversation and reviewed Nostradamus’s quatrains, interpreting them. This process went on for months. Cannon wrote three books reviewing her findings.
Now here’s the thing, Nostradamus was each time alive and living his life. We were coming back from the future using this same four step technique. Hypnotically regressed. Pass through a death event, enter the between life, then wait until validated by Nostradamus.
Cannon could always find Nostradamus but could not control which part of his life contact would be made. Young man, old man, middle age man, there was no control of when they would meet.
Nostradamus was talking with beings from the future, Cannon was talking with a being from our past.
The thing is Kip Thorne’s tesseract is hypothetical; hypnosis is real, doable and repeatable. Because past life hypnosis in particular violates several main stream western religious and social norms, support occurs incrementally in spurts as rare and indomitable personalities like Mrs Cannon move the needle of progress.
One surprising recreational therapy session, the senior citizen in trance was suffering painful bone-on-bone knees, the subconscious was asked to repair the knees. It rebuilt the cartilage. Obviously the woman was ecstatic when she was brought back to full consciousness. The scheduled knee surgery was cancel by a flabbergasted allopathic doctor the following week.
The point is, hypnosis is an up and coming field that is incrementally changing the world a little at a time.
Wow thank you for ALL of that.