The topic of extraterrestrials is not exactly new. This has been an ongoing phenomenon for hundreds of years. People have seen flashing lights in the sky, and disappearing ones too. Not only that, but the amount of people who have said they were abducted by aliens and brought back to Earth is countless. Even though the topic is one that never seems to die down, there seems to be a new hype building around it.
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This is unsurprising with all this talk of late about the extraterrestrial spacecraft that have landed on Earth. With the government finally being upfront and candid about the discoveries they have made, we can finally feel at ease knowing that we are not the only ones talking about the E.Ts that have been very much a part of our existence from the very beginning. Not to mention their frequent visitations are becoming less of a taboo topic. In light of these recent revelations, we thought this would make a great topic for today. So, during one of our live chats, one of our soul family members asked an important question that sparked up some thoughts we wish to share with you. When will we get to see the E.Ts that have kept themselves invisible up until now?
You Will See Them When you’re Ready
One of the main components of our spiritual development is how information comes through to us. For example, maybe you have a friend who started their spiritual journey at the same time as you. But, for some reason, they seemed to have blossomed more than you did. Or, maybe they understand things a bit differently than you do. This is not because they are more spiritual than you are. It’s just a matter of how open their hearts and minds were.
The thing is, there is an infinite and endless amount of knowledge waiting for every one of us to learn. No one is exempt from having access to the information the high beings and E.Ts want us to learn, but they understand that we all learn and adapt at our own pace and in our own way. Where someone might excel in one way, you will excel in another. This is all part of our learning process. The same can be applied to the information shared with us by our higher selves. If they sent us too much before we were ready, we would experience something similar to a sensory overload, like if your math teacher tried to move on to the next sum before you had a grasp of the previous one. So, our spirit guides, higher selves, and the E.Ts only send us what we can handle at the time. This is why some people have reported being able to see E.Ts and remember their abductions, whereas others cannot.
The E.Ts do not want to Alarm anyone by revealing themselves all of a sudden. This would spark fear, which is the opposite of what they want to do. They have very much been a part of our creation and they have guided us through our evolutions from the beginning. Even if we did not know it at the time. To understand more about this, you can refer to the Dolores Cannon page where she talks about what she learned of how we humans came to be.
So, in terms of the question asked: When will we see the cloaked spacecraft? Well, the same principle applies. Julia said that the E.Ts have spoken to her about this. She said, “They said, them being the E.Ts, ‘we are ready to be seen by those who are ready to see us.’”
You Will See Them Through Dimensions
Most people assume you might see space crafts like you would see a bird in the sky or a funny-shaped cloud. But, this is not the case. The E.Ts are in a different dimension than us. This is how they have kept themselves from our vision all this time. It is not a special cloaking device where they purposefully keep themselves hidden. It’s simply that they are in another dimension. You could say they have evolved to the point that they can jump in between dimensions easily. Or they can look into ours as easily as they see within theirs.
In order to see the space crafts that have been around since the beginning, you need to look not with your physical body’s eyes. But rather see through your third eye. As your frequency starts to shift to a higher vibration, you are elevating towards a more 5D reality. This will allow you to see other dimensions.
Julia spoke about one QHHT session that stood out to her. In this session, she saw that she was observing various different planets. She was not on the ships, but it was as if she was behind them, watching them. Then they came to Earth, and she could see thousands of these spacecraft lined up and observing life on Earth. It reminded her of the drive-in theatres back in the day. Lines of cars packed together filled to the brim with people watching a movie on a big screen. This was exactly what the E.Ts were doing. They were watching and learning about humanity, animals, plants, and just about anything that goes on here on Earth.
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Kaya Wittenburg
“The purpose of my life is to be a vivacious and highly abundant business and spiritual maverick. Bringing the highest level of consciousness into the world for the greatest good.”
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