Smudging is one of the most commonly practiced activities in many indigenous cultures across the globe. There are many different spiritual and physical benefits one can appreciate from this miracle plant, but how exactly does one use it? This is precisely what we are going to discuss today.
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What is smudging sage?
If you’ve ever been to a spiritual meeting of some sort, whether it be a full moon circle, a house cleansing, or even just a general meditation, you may have noticed someone waving around some burning herbs that fill the room with an intense aroma. This is called smudging, and the most common smudge stick is a sage bundle. Alternative smudge options include palo santo. The spiritual meaning of sage burning is to cleanse the air around you of all negative energy or for spiritual protection. The sage burning meaning varies between the different types of sage but generally carries a purifying theme.
Burning sage history and origin
Where does burning sage come from? Sage is a plant that has been around for a very long time, with many cultures across the globe recognizing its spiritual properties. The origin of burning sage depends on what type of sage as there are a few. White sage is typically found in the California region of the US, and the Native American indigenous people were believed to be the first to use it for its spiritual benefits.
Sage smudging history also lies in the African continent, where a cousin of the California white sage grows aplenty. They call it “imphephu” (say: im-peh-poh, because the “h” is silent) and it is used to call on your ancestors or spirit guides. Traditional healers will not use it to clean the space before a ritual, although new-age spiritualists are adopting it into their practices as such.
What are the benefits of burning sage?
Why do people burn sage? Most spiritual gatherings start with a sage smudging session, but why is it so important? We have listed a number of sage smudging benefits one can appreciate.
Clears air of bacteria
According to various research projects, scientists have concluded that sage can cleanse up to 94% of bacteria from the air. The disinfectant properties of burning sage are recognized by many herbalists and healers.
Symptom relief
Scientists and doctors of the Western world are still skeptical about the bacterial benefits sage possesses, but some researchers say sage releases negative ions when burnt. These then eliminate the positive ions like mold, pollution, dust, and pet dander. All of which cause respiratory tract infections.
Helps insomnia
Do you struggle to seep? Well, sage might be your very best friend in this regard. Burning some sage is said to improve the quality of your sleep, ensuring you complete your REM cycle without any disturbances.
Cognition benefits
Research on sage and its cognitive benefits has shown some promising results. Breathing in the aroma of burning sage allegedly clears your mind’s fog to further your concentration.
Repels insects
Not only is your sage stick said to banish negative energy, or ward off vi spirits, but insects are not big fans of the smoke either. Light up a sage stick in each room and let the smoke fog the rooms. The insects will be well o their way out in no time at all.
Spiritual benefits of sage
Among the physical health benefits, there are many sage spiritual benefits that we can appreciate. As smudging asks you to light it up and burn it, the sage smoke benefits are based on banishing negativity.
Purifying space for rituals
Before starting a spiritual ritual, healers and shamans alike will use a white sage smudge stick as a form of energy clearing. This removes all negativity from the space for the purpose of divinity, spiritual wisdom, and connection.
Banish negativity
Sage is a powerful tool that can transmute negative vibes into positive energy. Carry a smudge kit with you in your bag so you can whip it out whenever you feel heavy.
Cleanse the home
Maybe you or your friend have moved into a new home that creaks at night for no apparent reason. Thuds on the ceiling when you’re the only one home is a sure sign to call on a spirit medium or shaman to cleanse the house. Sage wands are great in these instances as they can be carried throughout the house while the smoke wafts into every corner, banishing the unwelcome spirits taking residence.
Cleanse objects
Sage can also be used to cleanse and purify your crystals, or whatever spiritual object you hold dear. As we handle our spiritual tools, they gather up negative energy. In order to preserve them, and prevent tainting yourself again, it is best to cleanse your crystals and talismans on a regular basis.
Calms anxiety
The modern world is a very stressful environment to live in. Over time, this can develop into anxiety, which can be a debilitating factor to your mental health. Light up a smudge stick of sage, and breathe in the smoke. Let the fumes wash over you like aromatherapy, and feel the calming effects take hold.
The truth about burning sage for cleansing a house
There are many wondrous spiritual benefits of burning sage, like cleansing one’s home of negative energy. This might sound like spiritual jargon, but it also holds some scientific grounds. So, what does burning sage do in a house? It turns out, the effects of burning sage produce negative ions which neutralize the negative ions that cause bad health issues. Positive ions are produced by artificial or man-made environments like the technology in our homes. Negative ions, aside from burning sage, can be found in places of nature.
This is why people “feel healthier” after a good sage house cleansing because it clears the air physically and spiritually.
How to burn sage for cleansing your home safely
Here is where we explain how to sage a house correctly. There are many methods, but if you want to clear the air for health benefits, you should take caution as a lot of smoke is needed. Keep reading for how to burn sage safely.
- Buy a sage kit
there are many indigenous tribes that sell sage ethically. They are the people you should be looking for, as opposed to larger corporations. Look out for sage kits that allow you to make your own smudge stick, or you can purchase the stick already bound together. If you are cleansing a large house, make sure to get one for each room.
- Set in a fire-proof bowl
Make sure that the bowl you are laying the smudge stick in is fire safe. Some people use burners similar to incense holders, but you can use a ceramic bowl or an abalone shell.
- Light up the sage
the next step is to light up the sage and let the fumes waft into every corner. Try not the breath in the smoke, as this can aggravate your respiratory tract. Let the smoke sit in the air for at least an hour so that smoke dissipates. Then it is safe to walk inside again.
Sage smudging ritual: spiritual cleansing with sage
This ritual is based on Native American teachings and it will teach you the method for smudging yourself that you can incorporate into your spiritual work. Keep reading for how to sage yourself and home instructions for a spiritual cleanse.
- Gather your sage
Make sure you are buying sage from a reputable and ethical source. there are many people out there trying to sell sage that hasn’t been grown with pure intent.
- Set your intention
First, you must determine what you want out of the smudging ritual. Take time to sit at your meditation altar if you have one. Once you know, set your intention and meditate on it for a little while.
- Clear the space of clutter
Before you start a ritual, you need to de-clutter your environment. This gets rid of old stagnant energy and replaces it with fresh new energy and potential.
- Light it up
Make sure you have your fire-safe ceramic bowls or abalone shells handy to catch the burning smudge stick, just in case. Light the smudge stick, and let the flame catch one end of the smudge stick, while holding the other.
- Start cleansing ritual with each direction
Wave the smudge stick in each direction accordingly. Start in the east, where the sun rises and brings the new dawn. Next, move to the South, where creativity resides with the spirit of our children, and our inner child. West is next, where the sun sets, marking the start of introspection. Lastly, move to the north, where the journey ends and we find compassion and understanding.
- Repeat a smudging prayer
You can write your own smudging prayer if you wish, but there are many online options you can make use of. Tiny Rituals has a great prayer, which we have shared as a great example.
“May your hands be cleansed,
That they may create beautiful things.
May your feet be cleansed,
That they may take you where you most need to be.
May your heart be cleansed,
That you may hear its message clearly.
May your throat be cleansed,
That you might speak rightly when words are needed.
May your eyes be cleansed,
That you may see the signs and wonders of this world.
May this person and this space be washed clean by the smoke of these fragrant plants.
And may that smoke carry our prayers spiraling to heaven.”
Sage burning ritual: how to sage your house from negative energy
If you are looking to learn how to burn sage to get rid of negative energy or sage for negative spirits, then you are on the right page.
- What are you cleansing?
Determine whether you are smudging yourself, and your home, or cleansing the space for a ritual.
- Gather your sage
As we mentioned above, you can either buy a sage kit to make your own smudging sticks, or you can buy already-made smudge sticks. Make sure they come from an ethical source.
- Set your intention
This helps the sage’s energy know how to help you. You might want to clear a mental block preventing you from connecting to your spiritual wisdom which has to lead you to cleanse your office space. Or, you might want to clear out negative vibes in a new home, or after something intense has happened.
- Light it up
Make sure you have your fire-safe ceramic bowls or abalone shells handy to catch the burning smudge stick, just in case. Light the smudge stick, and let the flame catch one end of the smudge stick, while holding the other.
- walk or waft
If you are smudging your home, walk around each room waving the smudge stick. Traditionally, native American tribes used a feather to wave the smoke into hard-to-reach places.
- Repeat a mantra or a chant
Choose the right mantra that fits the intention you set at the beginning. while you let the smoke aft into place, say the mantra out loud, or repeat your chant while you are smudging.
What are the different types of sage for smudging?
Most people do not realize the different types of sage for cleansing that exist in this world. Even though they all carry the purifying theme, they each have a special use unique to their type. Keep reading for the different sage types and uses.
California white sage
This type of sage is one of the more commonly used in ceremonies. It possesses a sweet aroma, and it is mainly used for banishing negative energy.
Lavender Sage
Lavender is known as a calming and relaxing herb. So, lavender sage is the ideal option if you want to create a soothing environment.
Sweetgrass Sage
Sweetgrass sage is a combination ideally used as a grounding tool in meditations. Its rich aroma is enough to anchor anyone while instilling an air of sweetness.
Blue Sage
Otherwise known as Grandmother sage, this variation is great for connecting you to ancient and spiritual wisdom. This type of sage is often used when banishing negative energy from a home or ritual space.
Black sage
Black sage is also referred to as Mugwort. It is connected to the energy of the mountains. it is also used to get rid of unwanted negativity.
Sage is an amazingly versatile plant that has many benefits spiritual to physical. Even those who look down their noses on anything spiritual make use of sage’s remarkable qualities.
Key takeaways on the benefits of sage smudging
Now that you have learned all there is to know about sage, you might see that there is more than one reason or purpose for burning sage that can benefit us greatly. Now, we hope we have inspired you to g out and get some sage! May your smudging journey be pure and culturally appropriate.
What type of sage is used for smudging?
African sage, or Imphepho, is not typically used as a smudge stick as it is mostly ingested in teas and herbal medicines. California white sage is the typical smudge stick you find all over. It is used to cleanse yourself, the space around you, or your home, of negative energy
What is the purpose of burning sage for spiritual cleansing?
Spiritual cleansing your home with sage can help get rid of any stagnant energy that has ceased to flow. It can also remove any unwanted or bad vibes that are creating friction in your home. The same can be said for smudging yourself.
What is the best sage to clear negative energy?
All sage is good for cleansing negative energy, but certain types or better for other uses. Black sage might banish negative energy, but it is also used to deepen intuition. Blue sage and white sage are best if you want to get rid of negativity in your home, or yourself.
Is burning sage good for you?
Scientists have found that burning age not only has spiritual properties, but it can be physically beneficial too. Allegedly it kills up to 94% of bacteria in the air, giving sage healing properties like repository tract infection relief. Additionally, it can alleviate a headache, or reduce anxiety.
What sage is best for cleansing?
Smudging your crystals with smudge is great for getting rid of any stored or blocked energy. White sage and blue sage are the best for these instances as they are ideally used for transmuting negative energy into positive. They can also clear any mental fog, clouding your mind.
What is the best time to sage your home?
This depends on what kind of cleansing you want. If you wish to be left with calming energy after the smudging, then a lavender sage is best. However, blue sage is ideal for cleansing your home as it is perfect for warding off negative energy.
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Jade Small
I am a creative and a wanderer. Mysteries and connections are what inspire me to write. While on my path, my purpose is to bring you information to help inspire you on your journey on this place called earth.
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