It is not uncommon for life to throw curveballs at you, forcing you to divert from your chosen path. However, this is not a bad thing. It’s the best move forward, even if you feel like you are going backward. When change is approaching, fear is not far behind. Understand that you are never alone in this, but that does not mean you must succumb to its oppression. It takes a lot of courage to break through our barriers, created only for our protection. For many of us, this is not as easily mastered as it is for others. So, here we are in another deep discussion about spirituality. This time, however, it is about calling upon courage to get you through those challenging times.
Table of Contents
The human mind might be limited to some degree. But, that does not mean we can’t reprogram our thoughts to be more open toward the possibility of so much more. New concepts can be scary for some, and it takes courage to let go of your ego-based opinions. We tend to find comfort in relating to others and vice versa. So, we hold back from talking about things that others don’t understand just so we can feel a little more accepted.
‘Courage’ as a word
Words are much more powerful than you might think. They carry symbology for energetic expressions. This is a universal construct. “Courage” is a word we use when we need to feel we can rise to a particular challenge. Life tends to feel competitive, and we are put to the test by our peers. We are often made to feel small by bullies, bosses, or even our loved ones. As an example, the beauty pageant shows are full of this, and Kaya had first-hand experience dealing with the bullying that goes on between contestants behind the scenes.
When one looks at the contestants, they appear to be what society deems as “cool”. They are beautiful, slim, tall, with gorgeous hair, perfect complexions, and everything that screams popular. However, what Kaya soon realized was that even they complained about being bullied at school. In-person and through social media. This goes to show that bullies hold no bounds, and it is a terrible phenomenon that can happen to all of us.
Speak your truth
There comes a time in your life when we all need to step up and speak our truth. As long as you are speaking your truth in the most compassionate and empathetic way, you will benefit every time. You might not get an immediate response from that other person at that moment because being confronted with someone else’s truth can be shocking for some people who have closed themselves up. We tend to get into energetic patterns, and theirs might be plain and simple resistance to new contrary concepts.
When you meet people who try to control you in what you do, think, or say, it is time to call upon your courage and stand up for yourself. But, how do you do that? Courage is innate in all of us. It’s not a learned feeling, but you might need to practice it before it becomes a fluent part of your being.
Realize that having courage is natural within you. Empaths are very accustomed to feeling their courage, others might only experience it when something makes them truly angry. But, remember your life on earth is all about working through your negative energies like fears or doubts. If you allow yourself to continue with your negative patterns, you will not advance in the way your higher self intended before you reincarnated into this life.
Our best advice comes in the form of a reminder. When you are between lives, in that beautiful place where our higher selves reside, we are planning out each of our lives, down to every last detail. We have chosen every single mistake, misfortune, mishap, and heartbreak. Each negative event is created so we can learn. So, if you have a challenge in your life, you created it purposefully. Your higher self knows exactly what you can handle, and you will never have to endure something that you can’t cope with.
Having courage is standing up to fight the lion with bare hands, it is standing up and speaking your truth. Being authentic to who you are, without giving in just to satisfy someone else.
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Kaya Wittenburg
“The purpose of my life is to be a vivacious and highly abundant business and spiritual maverick. Bringing the highest level of consciousness into the world for the greatest good.”
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