In the beginning, the higher beings that created us were posed with many questions. What should we look like? should we have hands? Should we be bold and courageous, or shy and introverted? Well, the higher beings simply created our bodies to be as function-able as possible. As for our minds, they left that up to us to develop and improve. Evolution may have been guided by various gifts of knowledge, but we have the ability to decide how to execute the ideas that we think of ourselves. This is called Free Will, and it is our greatest blessing. In this article, we are going to discuss how we have been created with the sovereignty of our lives. We have the power to make our own decisions, and the universal right to choose how we wish to live.
Table of Contents
Freedom of Choice
The world has a lot to thank for the late Dolores Cannon and her powerful work in hypnosis and regression. Dolores Cannon’s work gave her access to lost knowledge of how our existence came to be. We are far greater than simple coincidence in the vast universe that we are only just beginning to understand. In this case, the big bang theory could easily be related to the spark of a genius idea. We were created as intricate beings with immense depth and complexity of diversity. All of this was carefully orchestrated by higher beings that reside in higher dimensions that hold an infinite amount of love and wisdom.
As our design was being finalized, there were some finishing touches that still needed to be thought of. This was how our minds would work. By this, we mean how would we evolve as a species. What methods were we given to take our thoughts and put them into action? The answer is quite simple, though it is complex in its own right. In other universes or dimensions, there are beings that were created to follow instructions. They did not have the ability to think for themselves, and this was their purpose. The same higher beings that created us, wanted to see how life would thrive under their constant instruction. When it came to humanity and life on Earth, the idea was to give us the ability to govern our own lives. This is what we call free will.
Dolores taught us that although higher beings carefully construct the framework of our lives, they do not dictate every step of our journey. Instead, they respect our autonomy, allowing us to exercise free will in shaping the direction of our lives. As Dolores has said, their “prime directive” in our existence was “no interference.” This means they could only guide us, and could not control our actions. Even when we have made choices that took us down negative paths. It was up to us to find our way back to righteousness.
And so, after we were created and the rule of no interference was put in place, the higher beings stood back and observed our behavior. As history has revealed, they were disappointed by the outcome. As Dolores said, the higher being’s initial thoughts were, “What are these kids doing?”
Gift of Knowledge
At the very beginning of our conscious evolution, higher beings walked among us. They disguised themselves as human beings and they would observe us from our perspective. However, as time went on, and we started evolving past a certain level in our development, they knew their time as living as a part of our communities was coming to an end. So, without the immediate guidance of the higher beings, how were we going to evolve? Well, their guidance would come in the form of the gift of knowledge. They would come down when the time was right to bestow knowledge upon us that would spur us on in our development.
Things like the gift of fire, and agriculture methods. They even taught us how to perform surgery. They wouldn’t appear to someone they selected. They would put the idea out into the atmosphere in an energetic form. The entire collective consciousness had access to it, and they didn’t care who picked up on the idea. Anyone could take on those ideas and put them into action. This is why there are so many stories of people who came up with inventions at the same time in different locations all around the world. Take electricity Louis Daguerre and Henry Fox Talbot for example. They were two inventors who simultaneously came up with photography. The only thing is, that they worked independently from each other, and without communicating their ideas before they released them to the public.
After the higher beings revealed this to Dolores, a question came to mind. So she asked them, “OK, you’re coming. You’re living among the people. You’re giving them the next thing you’re supposed to know. You’re bringing corn. You’re bringing fire. They taught them how to do surgery. And I said, isn’t that interference?”
Their answer was, “No. That’s a gift we give them at the proper time in their development. What you do with it is your free will.”
When Things Take a Dark Path
As we have seen throughout the ages, our history is riddled with negativity. We, humans, have this interesting thing called greed embedded within us. We have a tendency to use the gifts of wisdom the higher beings give us and twist them into something dark. Dolores used surgery as an example. When this first came about, human beings turned it into sacrifice, rather than a means to heal. The whole idea was distorted by the experiences gained by the humans who picked up the idea from the atmosphere.
All the while, the higher beings have had no choice but to stand back and watch us. Their rule of no interference prevents them from stepping in and improving our behavior. According to Dolores, the only time they can step in is if we were to develop to a certain point that we might blow the planet up. They would stop that from happening just in time.
One of the interesting things Dolores spoke about was how planet Earth was strategically placed at one of the furthest points of the solar system. The rest of the universe is kept well away from us, and our violent and greedy tendencies are to blame. We will gain access to the rest of it, and all other consciousness that resides within it once we have worked through our violent and negative behavior patterns. However, with free will being our main component, this may take some time. However, we can take solace in knowing that we are never alone, though it might seem to be the case most of the time. We are always being observed, and guided. The higher beings have been there to take care of us from the very beginning and will remain there throughout time.
Watch Dolores Speak on this Topic
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Jade Small
I am a creative and a wanderer. Mysteries and connections are what inspire me to write. While on my path, my purpose is to bring you information to help inspire you on your journey on this place called earth.
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