The topic we have today is a very intriguing one. Where so many people get caught up in the humdrum of life, it can be a tricky task to try to discern between needs and wants. The physical side of our humanity wants many things that our spiritual and energetic forms do not. In light of this, we are going to turn this topic up a notch by differentiating between the needs of your ego, and the needs of your superconscious. Where does the difference lie? And how can we tell what is most important to us?
Table of Contents
Difference Between The Ego and Being Egotistical
The terms “egotistical” and “ego identity” are occasionally mistaken for one another because they sound so similar. But, in reality, these terms refer to separate dimensions of human psychology. When you think about the phrase, “being egotistical,” people generally think of someone who is full of themselves to the point of obnoxiousness. These people love to boast about their achievements and generally display a sense of superiority as if they are above everyone else. Additionally, egotistical people often feel the need to seek validation and attention from others. This generally stems from an insecurity they feel within themselves.
On the other hand, the “Ego identity,” is the psychological term that refers to how you see yourself. This includes all parts of your personality, experiences, values, and goals which all make up a unified sense of self. It involves knowing who you are and where you fit in society. Unlike being egotistical, ego identity focuses on understanding yourself, and how you grow as a person. Now that we have clarified these differences, what part does the ego, as in the ego identity, play in our spiritual self?
What is The Ego’s Purpose?
Now we ask you to close your eyes and imagine your ego as if it is a separate being inside yourself. This usually manifests for people as a little voice inside your head, similar to the conscious mind. In the words of Julia Cannon, the Ego is there to protect you. Its main mission is to keep you safe from all those horrible feelings like shame or failure. This is why so many people do not take that leap of faith when they have a brilliant idea. Their go talked them out of taking the risk. This is not to say that the ego is this internal bully. It serves an important role, allowing you to identify yourself and understand your boundaries with other people. But, it does have a tendency to act like an overprotective parent.
Imagine if you did not have this restrictive voice in your mind preventing you from exploring your options to the fullest. We answer this by asking another question: What would become of our own identity? The idea here is that we do not want to rid ourselves of our ego. We want to work out how to get both the ego (conscious mind), to work with our higher self (superconscious). It would be as if the veil has lifted, or your parents finally let go of the handlebars to let you ride your bike freely.
Our egos are also known for displaying certain characteristics. Yes, this pertains to the egotistical side of ourselves. Those insecurities we feel have a tendency to be masked by an arrogant version of ourselves. But, those emotional reactions we have to others are also our ego. We’ve all been there. When a particular individual gets on our nerves or upsets us to the point of fiery anger. This is where the term “mirroring” comes into play. Why should another person’s actions cause such a reaction within us? Well, it’s likely that they are displaying a certain aspect within yourself that you need to address. It doesn’t mean you behave in the same way, like actually mirroring those behaviors. It might just mean that you have some shadow work to do and they are the trigger to you delving within.
How QHHT Can Help
Now we get to the fun stuff. How can you get your ego to stop resisting your higher self? The conscious mind is well known for pushing away those metaphysical concepts. It tells you “That’s silly stuff,” or, “You just made that up.” It is normal for someone who is just starting their journey to think like this. But, the more you tap into your awareness of your all-knowing higher self, the more you realize the possibility of everything. This includes realizing your greatest potential. Your higher self is constantly guiding you towards your life’s purpose. It has all the answers that will unlock the abilities that may still lie dormant within you.
Well, if you are reading this now, you are probably aware that a QHHT, or Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique session, is one of the best ways to tap into your higher self. In these sessions, you can ask your higher self why your ego is so resistant to change, and find the best methods to free yourself. You might even speak to your ego directly, and help it understand that your higher self is not going to lead you down a dark path to shame. At first, your ego might feel intimidated by the sheer awesomeness of your higher self, but that is normal. But, as we said, the more you work towards combining both elements, your ego will realize it can still protect you while letting you explore every option you feel pulled towards. After all, your higher self is always there to guide you through everything.
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Jade Small
I am a creative and a wanderer. Mysteries and connections are what inspire me to write. While on my path, my purpose is to bring you information to help inspire you on your journey on this place called earth.
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