After reading up about the different types of lightworkers there are, you’ll find there are many forms of lightwork that you can do. You might be wondering what type of lightworker you are. In that case, you can try out our “am I a lightworker quiz” which we designed to be quick and easy. Hopefully, by understanding what form your light work comes through, you’ll be more able to share it with those around you!
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Your am I lightworker quiz result
Gridworkers and gatekeepers
Planet earth has an energy grid that keeps everything in balance. Grid workers are those who maintain the grid. They are also known as gatekeepers. One of their unique gifts is heightened spatial awareness. They can tell when a space has negative energy, and they aim to transmute that darkness into light.
Lightkeeper lightworker
A lightkeeper is simply someone who maintains a high-level vibration. They are light personified, and they hold onto it no matter what happens. Their vibration never falters, which makes them an inspiration to many people.
Blueprint holder lightworker
Even though this is within all lightworker’s abilities, the blueprint holders are the most skilled in this regard. This is the art of retrieving the light codes that will spark an awakening.
Manifester lightworker
Lightworkers of this kind can manifest high-vibration outcomes and events for the collective consciousness.
The healer lightworker
The healing abilities of a healer lightworker are remarkable. They aim to repair damaged energy and transmute dark energy into light.
Ascension guide lightworkers
Ascension guides will challenge your outlook on life and perspectives on spirituality.
The seer lightworker
Seer lightworkers almost seem to have psychic abilities. Their clairvoyance allows them to see potential outcomes that are yet to come. They can then change the outcome to be more favorable.
Messenger lightworker
Messenger lightworkers are those that receive information from higher beings and they spread the word through their work as a writer, blogger, podcasters, and more.
Transmuter lightworker
Transmuter lightworkers work with dark energy. Their mission is to transform negativity into positive energy. They can also tap into their ancestral line to see what karmic energy is there.
The unifier lightworkers
Unifiers take difficult-to-understand philosophies on life and simplify them. This helps to unify the world.
The wayshower lightworker
This type of lightworker likes to lead by example. The name itself gives away their life purpose of showing others the way.
Astral traveler lightworker
By astral traveling, these lightworkers can tap into the akashic records to find the light codes for a spiritual awakening.
Starseed vs lightworker
In spiritual circles, “starseeds” and “lightworkers” are terms used to describe individuals with distinct roles and missions:
Starseeds are believed to originate from other planets or star systems. They feel a deep connection to the cosmos and have a mission to bring higher knowledge and light frequencies to Earth. Starseeds often feel like outsiders on Earth and are sensitive to the environment and others’ emotions. Starseeds can come to Earth as lightworkers, however.
Lightworkers, on the other hand, choose to dedicate themselves to spiritual growth and helping others. They may not necessarily identify as starseeds but share a commitment to spreading love, healing, and compassion. Lightworkers engage in various forms of service such as healing practices, teaching, activism, and creative arts. If you become a lightworker, your work is cut out for you!
While both starseeds and lightworkers aim to uplift humanity and promote spiritual awakening, starseeds bring a cosmic perspective rooted in their extraterrestrial origins, whereas lightworkers focus on practical, compassionate service in their earthly roles.
Understanding these distinctions, and the difference between starseeds and confirmed lightworkers can help individuals better understand their spiritual identities and roles in contributing to positive change and higher consciousness on Earth.
How to interpret the what type of lightworker am I quiz results
Read each of the questions carefully, and answer as truthfully as you can. You might find that you have related to more than one description of the various lightworkers. It is possible to be more than one, so take that into account when reading your results.
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Sharing this quiz with your friends can help them find out their higher purpose. That way they can learn how to spread their light as well. Together, you can change the world, one raised vibration at a time.
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Jade Small
I am a creative and a wanderer. Mysteries and connections are what inspire me to write. While on my path, my purpose is to bring you information to help inspire you on your journey on this place called earth.
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