It can be an inspiring thing to be our best, to do more. A lot of us have these ideas of what we are meant to be doing, and some of the times we are right. But then somewhere along the line, we face adversity, and at times it can be debilitating, putting a halt in our tracks, in many more ways than one. Whatever you are facing, it does not have to be the end of the book, but maybe a new chapter.
Table of Contents
What are Adversities?
Adversity is often seen as an unfortunate thing, most likely because they come from unfortunate, or adverse, happenstance and circumstance. It is no wonder they are seen as a negative drawback because they are all traumas of some form. Several different types of adversities can be categorized into six parts: physical, emotional, spiritual, mental, social, and financial adversities. It could be a physical or mental disability or a low sense of self-worth. Any adversity could be that you just got fired from your job, or maybe you just have an annoying neighbor or colleague at work that tried with all their might to make your day as difficult as possible. All of these trials or tribulations you face in life can be turned into tributes towards your personal development, with a bit of effort and a change in mindset. There is a lesson in everything for us to learn, we just need to take a step back and see things as the bigger picture.
You have come here for a specific purpose, and to accomplish specific things, according to your blueprint. All of your successes and losses have been preordained by yourself. You set up all adversities as learning points, because the greatest accomplishment in this earthly life is learning, and one can not learn from the comforts of their couch, safe at home.
Adversities Today
If we consider what’s happening in the world right now, in terms of the global pandemic, it has affected so many for so long financially, socially, emotionally, mentally, and physically. But what is often overlooked by society is our ability, as humans, to be resilient. So many people have struggled, yes, but at the same time, so many people were able to change their circumstances by learning from the lockdowns, and many more were inspired to do the same. We are a remarkably strong species.
Everything is Temporary
In terms of the Olympics, and the challenge of rising to that occasion, adversity is part of getting yourself up to a place where you are stronger. The design of humans’ strength is based upon resistance, which is pretty marvelous. We have volunteered for this rollercoaster that is being human, and that comes with agreeing to go into these low points of your life, understanding that it is all part of the plan. It can be felt as something traumatic or purely frustrating, but in terms of overcoming adversities, there are two things to remember. The first is that everything is temporary in this world. The only thing that you can depend on, is that change is inevitable.
If you think about the yin yang symbol and how interestingly it is shaped. It is that way because there is, even in our darkest moments, a shimmer of light. There is always a balance of light and dark, but you are this shimmering being that emanates light, reflections, and ideas. It can be easy during these dark periods in your life where you might think you’re this solid being who is stuck. But, that could not be further from the truth. You are energetic, always changing ball of light, and these challenges will only make you stronger.
Getting to a point where you qualify for the Olympics has come with many adversities for these athletes. They did not just envision their sport and, voila, they’re an Olympian. They had to endure physical pain during their training t get to that point. It may hurt at the moment, but each time they get a little bit stranger, faster, or agile. Your body, n terms of how you build it, needs signals, or triggers. It will signal the resistance and thus, it gets stronger. It allows your strength to flow in the direction that you want through these signals of resistance.
Think of It as a Blessing
It should be thought of as a blessing. We will get stronger from the resistance that we have, it is an empirical fact of life. It is a core building block by which humanity has been designed. It can be so easy to go against this notion. We can easily get wrapped up in questions like, Why me? Why now?
Let me share a story with you. In my side job, I like to judge beauty pageants. During this last one that I was on the panel, I ended up getting food poisoning at lunch and had to endure the whole saga in the most unbearable discomfort. My mind was swirling with all these negative and sabotaging thoughts. I allowed them to sort of flow for a moment, and then I remember what I teach. I teach others that we can control our thoughts, and I was faced with a situation where I needed to practice what I preach. So I took in a few deep breaths to oxygenate myself and tried to think of a reason or answer to why this could happen.
Even if you do not have an answer for what bad things happen to you, you will always have this understanding: The answer will reveal itself soo, and you need to have faith that it will. The next day, after the pageant, I was invited to a dinner with the director, the two winners, and all other winners from their states. I got to talk about my other spiritual work and high vibrational things which are important to me. It dawned on me that I would never have stayed the extra night if it weren’t for the food poisoning, and I would not have had the opportunity to share my knowledge – even if t only affected one person.
Final Thoughts
Overcoming your adversities is not an easy b at first, but it will become a lot easier the more you practice controlling your thoughts. Try not to go down those rabbit holes, but if you do, try and see the light from inside that darkness. Allow your thoughts to flow out of you in a full expression, and then try to think of what you might learn from this. If that is not apparent at first, your greatest tool will be in the form of trust. Trust that your path is preordained and that all will be revealed soon.
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Jade Small
I am a creative and a wanderer. Mysteries and connections are what inspire me to write. While on my path, my purpose is to bring you information to help inspire you on your journey on this place called earth.
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