Sexual encounters are more than just a physical act, which is what most people believe. Every time we have contact with someone sexually, we also have an exchange of energy. This energy flow via our chakras can either uplift us and empower us, or cause blockages and absorption of unwanted energies. (Learn more about what are chakras here)
Sexual energy exchange is something we need to ensure will be beneficial to our well-being by not allowing negative energy sexual relations in our lives. We need to be vigilant with whom we share our energy in every shape, way, or form.
What is sexual energy exchange?
On a spiritual level and On the energetic level, when we have a sexual experience we deposit energy into our sexual partners. They too exchange their energy with us. Just like diseases can be passed from one partner to another, emotions and attitudes can be shared as well. Vibrational energies such as irritation, anger and the likes can be exchanged during sexual intercourse.
How to harness sexual energy for spiritual growth & healing between partners
When we have a sexual relationship with someone, our boundaries are removed and our consciousness is altered, allowing us to transcend to a blissful state. You are able to sense things about your partner, and your partner, you. Surrendering to one another allows you to become a sexual conduit.
Human ecstasy or bliss is just a fraction of what you can achieve with your partner. During a sexual energy exchange, your relationship is about more than just the 2 of you, it’s a connection to the divine and you and your partner can bring this to one another. sacred energy exchange involves inviting spirit into your experience, and this creates a sacred experience high in passion and love, your hearts and erotic energies blend into one and fuse, creating a sacred spiritual energy.
If you’ve never had the experience of bringing the divine into lovemaking, or if it’s your first time coming across this special tantric energy healing, here’s how you can harness it:
First, you must create a sacred space by ensuring the environment you are in is conducive to a positive sexual energy exchange.
Switch off your phones to ensure you will not be disturbed, try lighting some incense and candles or even rub some oils onto one another. You want to create a sensual and spiritually uplifting space that is sacred and beautiful
Your physical body requires positivity too!
You need to hold one another while making eye contact. Stare into each other’s eyes and remain in an embrace for as long as possible. Allow your hearts to touch. This is a nonsexual exchange of energy which will allow you to open up your energy fields. Breathing together is another way to create sacred sexuality. synchronize your every breath. in and out. This allows you to become intuitively attuned. Allow yourselves to feel each other’s warmth and soak up one another’s energy.
Allow the spirit life force to flow through your partner and you. When you are ready, it’s time for sexual intercourse. In your mind say to yourself the words “May the divine flow through me” and remain open to receiving. Once you’ve invited spirit into your lovemaking, you will feel orgasmic bliss. Allow your heart to open up and surrender to the divine.
Now it’s time to relax together.
Allow this sacred moment to linger and last as long as possible. Do not jump out of bed but remain in your partners loving embrace. There’s no need to speak if silence feels right. Cherish the moment.
Sexual energy exchange & casual sex encounters: How to protect yourself
When you’re interacting with someone on a sexual but casual level and you don’t know them very well, you actually have no idea what sort of energy you’re allowing to mingle with yours. This can cause a lot of problems. You might recall waking up after a once-off encounter with a stranger feeling groggy, angry, and miserable. This is how your body tells you that you’ve picked up bad energy from the person you had sexual intercourse with. You NEED to get rid of this energy fast.
It is possible to have a casual encounter without negative energy exchange, and those are wonderful experiences. It’s the lower vibrational energies you want to be rid of. They can cause many imbalances when getting trapped in your energy body, some even cause sickness or diseases.
Here are 2 ways you can cleanse yourself after a negative, casual sex encounter:
1. Saltwater Bath with Epsom salts, add some lavender oil, and allow yourself to soak for at least 20 minutes.
2. Cleanse yourself with Sage. start at the top of your head moving downwards towards your feet in a clockwise motion.
How Sexual Intimacy Affects Aural Energy
When we have sex with someone energetic imprints suggest that high levels of intimacy actually intertwine with our aural energy. By not cleansing our auras after sexual intercourse we allow “spiritual debris” to remain and accumulate in ourselves. Our auras can become confused thanks to this clogging of debris. The more sexual encounters we have with multiple people, the more energy we carry! By carrying multiple negative energies we begin to repel positive energies and we even start attracting exactly what we don’t want – more negative energy. The closer and more intimate your sexual encounters are, the more you absorb into your aura.
When we think of sex as a meaningless, loveless act and by having multiple partners on a regular basis, our aura becomes broken.
Key takeaways
We need to always remember that sex is not just a physical act. Be aware of where your own energy is before you get involved in any sexual act, as well as during and after the act itself. Try our twin flame quiz next!
“The most powerful and energetic space is the multidimensional sexual experience. It’s extremely vital before entering into a sexual experience to set the intention of what you want to manifest from the experience. Is it intimacy, is it wealth, is it health or is it just pure unadulterated pleasure? Before exchanging the physical energy, determine what you want on the emotional, energetic and spiritual levels of the sexual connection and it will manifest.” – Parish Michelle Blair
Written by:
Jade Small
In energy work i teach that we have a thread of connection with those we have sexual relationships with and if those cords are negative we need to heal and then break them.
Imagine the partner in your mind, see the thread or cord between you, hold it and send healing light through it, healing the negative energy, then imagine scissors and cutting that neggative connection. You will immediately feel a release and feel the tension melting away.
Reflect on the union and take away with you something you learned from it moving forward into the light. Only healthy loving relationships from here on out. ❤