Spiritual protection will depend on how you define your spirituality. It does not matter which deity you choose to praise, or what religion or culture you come from, spiritual cleansing and protection are important for all. Most people think that their body is what needs protection for optimal health, but a healthy mind is just as necessary for a healthy relationship with your spirituality.
Table of Contents
What is spiritual protection?
Ultimately, spiritual protection is the art of keeping negative energies at bay so that your energy field is full of positive energy. Let’s say you are about to embark on a journey with a new career, or maybe you have an exam coming up, or you might be preparing for the birth of your child, you can ask for spiritual protection from the deity you believe in, or maybe your guardian angel(because we all have one).
Why spiritual protection is important
Spiritual protection is not just to safeguard your belief system. There are a number of reasons that applying some spiritual energy protection can help you that cross over into other factors of life, like your emotional, mental, and physical well-being. Here are some of the reasons:
- Helps you see the bigger picture
- Keeps you on a high vibration
- Gives you a higher quality of life, physically
- Helps you make better decisions
- Facilitates overall acceptance
- Strengthens psychic abilities
Helps You See the Bigger Picture
Mental clarity is another great reason that spiritual protection is important. It helps to keep your mind from being fogged by worry, fear, or stress so that you can see the light at the end of the tunnel.
Keeps you on a high vibration
Spiritual protection can help you maintain your high vibration. Without it, you will be more susceptible to matching to people who are running at a low vibration.
Gives you a higher quality of life, physically and Emotionally
Having a good connection to your spiritual self is a great way to improve your physical health. Your chakras are energy centers in your body that are the power source for different areas of your body. Reiki is a great form of protection because it cleanses all negative energy that you might pick up from other people who aren’t aware they are projecting it out.
Helps you make better decisions
This one ties in nicely with the first reason of being able to see the bigger picture. If you practice spiritual protection in any way you will be able to see things from outside the chaos of the moment, and this will facilitate better decision making.
Facilitates overall acceptance
People often forget that spirituality is not all about having the right crystals on display at your home. A lot of the time it is about how you react to situations, rather than placing yourself outside of the turmoil. Spiritual protection can help you to accept what has happened, and see it as a lesson learned. This approach to life is its own form of magick entirely.
Strengthens Psychic Abilities
If you are not protecting your spirituality you are opening yourself up to possible psychic attacks. This can affect your psychic abilities, like your intuitive inner voice that helps to guide you through each interaction and experience.
How to protect yourself from negative energy
For those who do not know how to protect themselves from negative energy, here is where you will learn. Below you will find a list of methods for protection from negative energy.
1. Ask for spiritual protection
This is a simple one. Nothing ventured is nothing gained, so the best way to get spiritual protection is to ask your guardian angel to guide you through whatever situation you re facing, or call upon your god to give your strength. We have free-will in this life, so you need to make it clear that you want the protection.
2. Create a spiritual shield: how to establish a protection shield
Creating a spiritual shield is not a difficult as it sounds, and it is a great way to keep your aura free of external negative energies. If you are curious enough to give it try, this is how to establish a protection shield.
- Go into a sacred space, or find some time to be alone for a bit to clear your mind.
- Take in three deep breaths to center yourself
- On the last breath, imagine yourself breathing all he negativity from your body
- In the next breath, breathe in fresh new energy
- With your eyes closed, imagine a silvery white beam of light shining down on you
- Let that light engulf you, and visualize it as being impenetrable.
- Practice this before you leave your house every day for ultimate spiritual protection. This can be applied to protect you in many areas of your life.
3. Use spiritual items for protection
You can make use of crystals like black obsidian or hematite for spiritual protection, as well as talismans like the Evil Eye or sigils in the form of spiritual protection symbols.
4. Reiki
Reiki is one of the best methods for spiritual protection. It can clear out the stagnant negative energy, as well as strengthen your chakras so that they are able to banish said energy themselves.
How to protect yourself from negative energy of Others
1. Create your Protection shield
A great way to protect yourself from the negative energy of others is to protect your aura by building a protective shield, as mentioned above. This way, you can keep your aura from being penetrated by unwanted energy, and you will maintain your high vibration.
2. Cleanse your Aura
If your aura has already picked up negative energy, you can protect yourself by cleansing your aura. Burning sage or palo santo can help with this, as well as taking a salt bath to wash away the negativity.
How to protect your aura
Read this section to learn how to protect your aura:
1. Take a salt bath
A salt bath is notorious for cleansing any negative energy from your auric field.
2. Aromatherapy
Essential oils are a great way to cleanse your aura and protect you from any negativity that might threaten to invade your personal and energetic space.
3. Smudging
Palo santo, incense, and sage sticks are some of the best ways to cleanse your home, workspace, or just about any space you find yourself in that feels like it needs some sprucing up
How to protect yourself from spirits
If you want to learn how to protect yourself from spirits, then read on for some great methods of protection.
1. Keep Salt Nearby
Salt has been known to ward off spirits. It is a cleansing mineral so it will purify everything it touches. Line each doorway and window with salt, so that no spirits may pass, especially if they are impure. You could always just have a bowl of salt in every room to keep the energy of the room’s atmosphere cleansed.
2. Smudging
Smudging your space, along with a special protection prayer, is a great way to cleanse the energy of the room or the nearby vicinity. You can make use of palo santo, which is a piece of dried wood that comes from a tree native to South America, or you can use sage, which grows easily in many countries around the world.
3. Smokey Quartz
Smoky quartz is a powerful protection crystal, and it can keep spirits away from your home. If you wear a smoky quarts in a piece of jewelry, then you yourself will also be protected from said spirits.
How to protect yourself from demons
If you fear a demon has made you its target, you might want to read this next section where we will give some suggestions on how to protect yourself from demons.
1. Smudging
Smudging has been mentioned a few times today, and for a good reason. Sage and palo santo are the perfect tools for warding off evil spirits like demons.
2. Wear a Talisman
For some people a talisman to protect you from demons might be the Christian cross, for others it might be an evil eye hanging around your neck or wrist. There are many different kinds of talismans to choose from, and each are powerful protection methods to keep you safe from demonic attacks
3. Grow lots of Dill and Sage
The herb known as dill i a great method to ward off evil spirits. You can plant dill so that it grows all around your property you will not have to worry about demons as much. Better yet, harvest some of the dill, make a wreathe with it, and place it on your door.
How to protect yourself from a ghost
Do you think there is a ghost in your home? if it is an old house, the chances are pretty high. IF this is the case, no matter how old your house is, you should keep reading to learn how to protect yourself from spirits. Stay tuned for the next section where we talk about warding off demons!
1. Smudge Each Room in the House
Smudging is an age-old remedy for haunted house. If you feel there is a ghostly presence in your home, you might want to invest in some palo santo, or some sage sticks. Light them up, and blow the smoke into every corner of each room in your home. Make sure you gt into all the dark corners – they like to lurk there.
2. Crystal Protection
There are numerous crystals that re perfect tools to help keep spirits at bay. Black obsidian, shungite, and smokey quartz are great examples.
3. Let Them Know you Know They are There
Often times the above methods are not working, and the ghosts remain persistent in their haunting. If you speak up and let them know you are aware of them, it might get their attention. Let them know that they are not welcome in your home, and within your energy field in general. You might find they knew that already and they’ll just leave.
Do You Need Spiritual Protection?
If you are unsure whether or not it is time to start incorporating spiritual protection routines into your life, you might find the results you get in this quiz quite helpful – The answer might surprise you!
Do you need spiritual protection? Try Our Free Quiz
Protection from spirits: Key takeaways
Protection from spirits is a necessary part of life. Everyone is exposed to various forms of spirits, whether they realize it or not. If you keep up with your daily spiritual protection methods, you will not need to worry as much.
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Jade Small
I am a creative and a wanderer. Mysteries and connections are what inspire me to write. While on my path, my purpose is to bring you information to help inspire you on your journey on this place called earth.
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