Zodiac signs and tarot cards, when put together make for an interesting and diverse reading. Traditionally, reading tarot cards is an intuitive interpretation, while they cards hold meaning, they will be unique to each one of us. Astrology, on the other hand, is structured and set in empirical interpretation. The vast differences between the two is what marries them so well together.
Tarot is full of symbolism and is one of the most vast esoteric reading systems. If you are seeking wisdom, having your cards read is one surefire way to find it. When partnered with astrology, every Major Arcana card has a correspondence with the planets, stars and the moon within each zodiac.
Coupled together, these are two extremely powerful oracles and they can provide insight and wisdom in profound ways. Far more informative than any regular horoscope or regular astrological reading could ever give you. Combing the tarot deck with the stars!
Tarot cards and zodiac signs
In the later parts of the 19th century into the earlier parts of the 20th century, there was an esoteric order formed in Great Britain. This order was called the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. The cards we use today were created by this spiritual order. There are four tarot card decks that were formed, namely The Waite Smith Tarot; The Thoth Tarot; The Golden Dawn Tarot and the BOTA tarot.
Each of these four decks were created by by four men, Dr. Arthur Edward Waite; Mr. Aleister Crowley; Samuel Liddell MacGregor Mathers and Paul Foster Case.
Recently a new zodiac sign has popped up on the scene called Ophiuchus!
Element tarot cards meanings
One of the fastest and easiest ways to learn and understand tarot is by understanding the four elements that shape each suit of the Major Arcana.
Each of the classic elements brings its own meaning and symbolism. The four elements are, as with the zodiac signs, water, fire, earth and air.
Earth: materiality; strength, endurance, growth; reliability; practicality; accumulation
Air: thought; spoken and written communication; strife and conflict; expressions of the mind
Water: the action of the emotions; love and affection, dreams, desires, fantasies; pleasure, friendship, social activity, romance, receptivity
Golden Dawn Astrological Correspondences In The Major Arcana are:
Elemental Fire – Judgement
Elemental Earth – World
Elemental Air – Fool
Elemental Water – Hanged Man
Zodiac tarot card meanings
By understanding and knowing which tarot card represents your zodiac sign, you are able to understand not only more about yourself, but the transits and themes you will go through in your lifetime. These cards can also present themselves during a tarot card reading can also help us to acknowledge and embody the archetype the card represents. We may be needing the guidance from that specific card at that point in our lives. Think of it in a similar way as knowing your sun sign or moon sign, your corresponding tarot card can help guide you and help you along your life journey.
Tarot cards are put into different groups, There are 22 Major Arcana cards and 56 cards remaining are divided by their element.
Earth element tarot cards by zodiac sign
Taurus tarot cards & meanings
The Hierophant – Major Arcana Card
Meaning Of The Hierophant
This card represents a love for learning and constant searching for truth.
Minor Arcana Cards: Five of Pentacles, Six of Pentacles, Seven of Pentacles
Meaning of Five of Pentacles
Loss, feeling alienated, struggle, hardship, deprivation
Meaning of Six of Pentacles
Sharing, gratitude, giving, liberality, abundance, support
Meaning of Seven of Pentacles
Honor, growth, patience, reward
Virgo tarot cards & meanings
The Hermit – Major Arcana
Meaning Of The Hermit
Virgos enjoy solitude as life can be rather exhausting for them. This card represents the Virgos need to find their peace and wisdom alone.
Minor Arcana Cards: Eight of Pentacles, Nine of Pentacles, Ten of Pentacles
Meaning of Eight of Pentacles
Accomplishment, technique, expertise, excellency, skill
Meaning of Nine of Pentacles
Successfulness, Independence, attainment, self-sustenance
Meaning of Ten of Pentacles
Benefaction, Legacy
Capricorn tarot cards & meanings
The Devil – Major Arcana
Meaning Of The Devil Card
This card represents the dark or shadow self that Capricorns want to hide. They are self conscious signs of the zodiac who never want to appear to be out of place.
Minor Arcana Cards: Two of Pentacles, Three of Pentacles, Four of Pentacles
Meaning of Two of Pentacles
Adaptive, balance, priorities
Meaning of Three of Pentacles
Cooperation, teamwork, collaboration
Meaning of Four of Pentacles
Preservation, Frugality, certainty
Air element tarot cards by zodiac sign
Gemini tarot cards & meanings
The Lovers – Major Arcana
Meaning Of The Lovers Card
Gemini is the sign of duality and making difficult choices, which is obviously well reflected in this tarot card, too.
Minor Arcana Cards: Eight of Swords, Nine of Swords, Ten of Swords
Meaning of Eight of Swords
Imprisonment, Confinement, Self loathing
Meaning of Nine of Swords
Unsettled feelings, trauma, melancholy
Meaning of Ten of Swords
Non-fulfillment, defeat, emptiness
Libra tarot cards & meanings
Justice – Major Arcana
Meaning Of Justice Card
Libra is often depicted as a holder of rigid ideas when it comes to what is right and what is not. This card represents the need to obtain balance, not everything will be perfect or go the way we want it to.
Minor Arcana Cards: Two of Swords, Three of Swords, Four of Swords
Meaning of Two of Swords
Hard decisions, irresolution, stagnant
Meaning of Three of Swords
heartbreak, suffering, grief
Meaning of Four of Swords
rest, restoration, contemplation
Aquarius tarot cards & meanings
The Star – Major Arcana
Meaning Of The Star Card
Just like it’s zodiac sign, the star is optimistic and bright, always standing out and shining brighter than anyone else, when given the opportunity.
Minor Arcana Cards: Five of Swords, Six of Swords, Seven of Swords
Meaning of Five of Swords
Being sneaky, sore loser, ambition
Meaning of Six of Swords
Evolve, moving on, forward
Meaning of Seven of Swords
Lying, trickery, to plan
Fire element tarot cards by zodiac sign
Leo tarot cards & meanings
Strength – Major Arcana
Meaning Of The Strength Card
Just like a lion, strength represents the challenges this zodiac sign must face with bravery and gusto.
Minor Arcana Cards: Five of Wands, Six of Wands, Seven of Wands
Meaning of Five of Wands
Competitiveness, fights, quarrel, disagreement
Meaning of Six of Wands
Winning, power, reward, success
Meaning of Seven of Wands
Being in control Guarded, perseverance
Aries tarot cards & meanings
The Emperor – Major Arcana
Meaning Of The Emperor Card
Aries corresponding card represents strong leadership, charisma and the ability to take action.
Minor Arcana Cards: Two of Wands, Three of Wands, Four of Wands
Meaning of Two of Wands
Structure, decision making, leaving the nest, independence
Meaning of Three of Wands
Thinking ahead, Growth
Meaning of Four of Wands
Welcoming, celebration, coming together and community
Sagittarius tarot cards & meanings
Temperance – Major Arcana
Meaning Of Temperance Card
This card represents moderation and learning to accept your flaws so that you may overcome any problems.
Minor Arcana Cards: Eight of Wands, Nine of Wands, Ten of Wands
Meaning of Eight of Wands
hasty decisions, swift action
Meaning of Nine of Wands
Strength, durability, resilience
Meaning of Ten of Wands
Being accomplished, leadership, responsibility, being burdened
Water element tarot cards by zodiac sign
Cancer tarot cards & meanings
The Chariot – Major Arcana
Meaning of The Chariot Card
The Chariot card represents strength, ambition and willpower, but it can also be a warning to not be reckless.
Minor Arcana Cards: Two of Cups, Three of Cups, Four of Cups
Meaning of Two of Cups
Trust, togetherness, relationship and connection
Meaning of Three of Cups
Bonds, Friendship, togetherness, happiness
Meaning of Four of Cups
Lack of feeling, numb, contemplation
Scorpio tarot cards & meanings
Death – Major Arcana
Meaning Of The Death Card
Often thought of as a bad omen, this card represents the opposite – Death represents transformation and moving forward in life, something Scorpios are pretty good at.
Minor Arcana Cards: Five of Cups, Six of Cups, Seven of Cups
Meaning of Five of Cups
Sadness, self loathing and pity
Meaning of Six of Cups
Knowing, Good thoughts of the past, wellness and healing
Meaning of Seven of Cups
Seeking purpose, Looking inward, Imagination
Pisces tarot cards & meanings
The Moon – Major Arcana
Meaning Of The Moon Card
The moon tarot card meaning is a special one. Just like the zodiac sign attached to it, this card represents moodiness and idealism. This card asks you to let go of the small things and to stop overthinking.
Minor Arcana Cards: Eight of Cups, Nine of Cups, Ten of Cups’
Meaning of Eight of Cups
Moving on, Walking away, Removing oneself
Meaning of Nine of Cups
Emotional structure and stability
Meaning of Ten of Cups
Happiness within, being fulfilled, realizing dreams
Tarot card reading and Astrology are esoteric tools which both seem to work using the same energy. When paired together, there is an undeniable harmony between them. There is so much more to see and find when it comes to Tarot and Zodiac that can be mentioned here, however, we hope that this has opened up that world for you to continue to delve into as you unlock and discover more about yourself and your life purpose and path. Another great option for opening up to these energies would be dna activation which we talk about on another blog post.
Written by:
Jade Small
Thank you for the great read about Tarot Cards, it was very informative. What other advice would you suggest in terms of learning how to read Tarot Cards, I would like to do this when I am not doing QHHT Sessions.
Thank, you,
Charli Bear
Love this article it really breaks it down. It would seem however that all the cards have been covered in this blog except; The Empress, High Priestess, Wheel Of Fortune, The Tower, and the Magician. Have I missed these somehow. Could someone tell me the best way to determine the meaning of these cards in the way the rest of these cards have been explained?
Thank you,
Charli Bear