The existence of aliens, or extraterrestrial beings, has long been a topic of fascination, speculation, and controversy. While some believe in their existence with unwavering faith, a significant portion of the global population remains skeptical. This most likely is because the government would have preferred us to believe they do not exist for so long. Moreover, religions denied the possibility of aliens existing because it contradicted their deity’s purpose.
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However, for the sake of this article, we ask you to remember the teachings of Dolores Cannon. Without her, we would not have such a deep understanding of the possibility of E.T.’s existence and many other alternative perspectives Through her work we find a compelling narrative that challenges our conventional beliefs about the role of aliens in our universe. If you have been struggling with the idea, or maybe you’re trying to find compelling points to get across to a skeptical friend, this article is perfect for you.
Skeptics are Everywhere
Skepticism about extraterrestrial life is deeply ingrained in our society. One of the primary reasons for this skepticism lies in the historical stance of governments worldwide, which have often denied the existence of aliens or withheld information regarding their encounters with these beings. This secrecy has fueled skepticism, as people question whether their governments are hiding the truth or exaggerating the phenomenon for political purposes.
Moreover, religious beliefs have played a significant role in shaping our perspectives on the cosmos. Many religious teachings and preachers have taught us that humanity is unique. They revel over the idea that our kind are the only beings to have been created by God, or whomever the religion praises. Thanks to these teachings, people have been raised without a sense of curiosity for the universe. They believe without a shadow of a doubt that we are alone and no other conscious or intelligent beings exist somewhere out there in the great unknown. Even when addressed with the idea that if we can exist, what’s to argue with the possibility of some other species having been lucky enough to find life?
Being Skeptical Is Too Easy
Dolores Cannon was a pioneer in her field of work and passion for hypnosis. Through her dedicated mind, we are now informed on what actually exists in the vastness of the universe. She managed to tap into a connection with aliens and beings that live in higher realms than ours. They shared an unimaginable amount of knowledge with her in the hopes that she would share it with the world. OR at least, whomever would listen. That’s exactly what she did.
We learned about the various dimensions that realities can exist within, and how powerful our minds are that we can control the way we want to live. We learned that we are but a tiny speck within the grand scheme of the universe. We have learned that the aliens have been with us since the dawn of our existence, and have been around for an unimaginable amount of time. Come to think of it, we also learned that time does not exist, and it is something we created in order to make sense of the lives we live linearly. All of this can seem like an overwhelmingly huge amount of info to take in. But, Dolores taught us that we have only just brushed the surface of everything we have yet to learn.
So, with all of this in mind, surely the possibility of aliens isn’t so hard to believe? All it would require is the smallest opening of your own mind and choosing to entertain that thought for a while. The more you play with it as a possible phenomenon, the more tangible the aliens become within our reality.
Remember, Dolores loved to tell us over and over again about how powerful we are. We did not come through to Earth by some circumstantial phenomenon. We answered a calling to be here on Earth to experience the difficulties of life here on Earth. This meant we were powerful beings before we came into this life, so why would one want to limit themselves by choosing not to believe? Would that not be taking away from our greatest potential?
Moreover, Julia Cannon herself has conversed with the aliens or E.Ts. Like her mother, she has been able to contact them through her own sessions to ask questions of her own. One of the profound memories she has is when the E.T. tells her, “You are us and we are you. Why is it so alien fto you that we are here? We have always been here, we have been watching you and taking care of you.”
A.I. and Aliens
Everyone remembers the great lockdown that happened not so long ago. As we all enjoyed the comforts of our homes for weeks on end, something was brewing on the sidelines. Then, the moment we were all released from the restrictions imposed upon us, all of a sudden we had this thing called AI all over the internet. It was not a new phenomenon, but it was the first time we were introduced to it in a way that the whole world had access to it. For years, people have been scared of it, unsure of what it meant for jobs and the monetary influence it would have.
However, as Kaya Wittenburg said in a recent live chat, there is no doubting the correlations between the introduction of AI into societal norms, and the sudden influx of alien debates and conversation topics. Various governments around the world are even starting to be more candid about the things they know regarding E.T.s Even the United States government has joined in on this bandwagon.
The more this topic becomes familiar all around the globe, the more this reality of U.F.O.s and E.T.s existing will seem more plausible to everyone. All of this comes down to one thing. As Julia has said, the E.T.s will show themselves to those who are ready to see them. So, they will not meet those who are not ready yet. This is why the process has taken so long. The concept of star people and messengers from the skies was something normal to humans kinda few hundred years ago. But, thanks to organized religion, we have lost that way of believing that anything is possible. So, the E.T.s are patiently waiting for us to wake up once again and become aware of them as we once were.
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Kaya Wittenburg
“The purpose of my life is to be a vivacious and highly abundant business and spiritual maverick. Bringing the highest level of consciousness into the world for the greatest good.”
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