The universe works in mysterious ways. That statement right there is definitely one of the most used in the spiritual world. You will most likely agree to this, having been told this by many people. And, having told this to other people as well. We go through life unexpecting of all that can go wrong. Plans are made, and the obstacles that prevent you from achieving your goals can be seriously frustrating. We each have aspirations of our own, yet only a few of us seem to reach them. “How can I bring abundance into my life?” This question is one of the most asked of any QHHT practitioner. And, we are here to help you realize this potential – which is innate in all of us.
Table of Contents
We all have one of those friends who seems to be made of abundance. Things seem to magically appear as they speak, and there seems to be not one obstacle in their way. It can be annoying at times, but we all wish that we could be more like them. Trust us when we say, those people also face difficulties when trying to reach their goals. It is all a matter of mindset, and what they choose to focus their attention on.
Abundance – our divine right
First things first. Each and every one of us is prone to abundance. There is no such thing as no abundance. It is innate within all of us, but how? Seeing as we all have abundance, then we might need to look into changing our perspective of how abundance works. We have to get it to work in your favor, as opposed to ruining your chances of progress.
Abundance is always working. You have a divine right as a sovereign being, to be an abundant individual that has a high degree of abundance. Sometimes it can be difficult to accept that. We tend to get a little bit stuck at this point in the concept. We tend to equate our abundance level to money. We can thank society for this because so much of the physical world relies on it. Money is a symbol of hard work, and an exchange of energy, collaboration, and ingenuity. All that is great, however, there are much more highly evolved societies that don’t need the intermedium of money. These beings of said societies have an immediate form of exchange. That is in the form of their contribution. They see no need to have something physical In exchange for a service or whatever, they see it as a balance of give and take. The universe is always seeking balance. In our human bodies, this is called homeostasis.
Accepting creative thought
One of the keys to abundance is to do things that are aligned with your energy. Our minds are like race cars, they are zooming through countless thoughts and ideas each day. So many times we think of something quite remarkable, but we wave it off, thinking that will never work. The higher beings have shown us that the information we receive first goes through a sieve like a funnel. What manages to reach our thoughts is an energetic match to you. All you need to do is stop those sabotaging thoughts of doubt. Take on the idea, and play with it for a while. Exchange the statements from “it will not work,” to “what if?” Try taking our color personality quiz if you want to learn more about yourself and your creativity!
Abundance and Fight or Flight
Our natural predisposition as human beings is to be weary of failure. Our egos are often in charge of the situation, taking the reins, and steering you away from your dreams or aspirations. Throughout our lives, many of us cannot help but focus on our fears. Thoughts of losing your home for not making mortgage payments, getting fired from your job, or never getting hired again. Our minds have been cultivated with doubt. The stress that comes with that can be overwhelming, to say the least. This can put us into a perpetual state of fright or flight, which prevents us from ever putting ourselves out of our comfort zone.
That little voice in your head that tells you it’s not going to work, is your personal sabotage machine. The good news is that every machine has an on and off switch. So, you have the capability to turn off the negative frequency and turn up the positive. Getting out of your comfort zone is essential for progress. It is where we learn the most lessons, and through lessons, we develop. Through development, we can rope in success.
Abundance and the law of attraction
Abundance relies heavily on your thought process. Not only that, but the universe wants to see that you actually want the life you are striving towards. This means if you are too easily swayed by failure, and give up on your dreams The universe will respond to that and try to give you another path to follow. Your thoughts are basically your steering wheel. To turn left is to choose self-doubt, and to turn right is to choose possibility. The way many of us think, we will end up driving in circles from only making left turns. This circle might be more comfortable because at least you are familiar with the route. But, imagine if you pushed the negative thought away instead of the idea you just had. You will be able to break the loop you are in and make a right turn.
One thing is for certain, the road to abundance is never straight. As the Buddhist symbol, the “unalome” suggests, we are all on a path to enlightenment, and that path is full of twists and turns. If you want abundance in your life, you cannot expect there to be zero turbulence along the way. Be that as it may, it is up to you not to let your temporary failures or setbacks prevent you from trying again and again. The more you try, the more horizons you are opening up. Just remember to keep an open and positive mindset. One that is willing and ready to try anything.
If you are wondering whether or not you have mastered an abundant mindset, try this simple quiz. Share your answers with your friends, because they might need some mindset tuning – even if you don’t!
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Kaya Wittenburg
“The purpose of my life is to be a vivacious and highly abundant business and spiritual maverick. Bringing the highest level of consciousness into the world for the greatest good.”
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