One of the most discussed topics with QHHT is how to manifest. It is seen as a magical phenomenon, because how can we simply will something into existence without putting the physical effort in? Well, Dolores Cannon dedicated her life to helping others overcome unexplained fears, eradicate symptoms, and learn how to work with the law of attraction. Most of us have a friend within our group that seem to simply radiate luck and prosperity. It almost comes across as if they are some mythical or magical creature who has bewitched the world to get exactly what they want. Well, it might very well be the case in some person’s reality. But, it is much simpler than that. Today we are going to discuss the nature of the Law of Attraction, and how to work with it to manifest the ultimate reality of your dreams.
Table of Contents
We are great and Powerful Manifesters
Many people might not understand this at first, but in order to reincarnate into a life here on Earth, our souls needed to have evolved to a certain point. Not just anyone can live here on Earth. The environment is rougher and tougher than most other planets, making it quite the adjustment for those new souls experiencing their first life as a human. Additionally, life here is not exactly easy. In other words, we are a difficult species to understand. We humans do not even understand ourselves, let alone our loved ones and strangers.
Souls are sent here to be “schooled” in a sense. We are highly evolved and powerful souls that are equipped with enough experience that we can handle whatever comes our way. As we are born, we are made to forget just how powerful we really are. As well as where we came from. This is all part of the lesson, as it wouldn’t work if we knew how powerful we are. The lesson was to try and remember where we came from, and just how powerful we really are. Once we manage that, we will realize just how easy it is to create the ideal realities we want to live within. So, if you are here reading this. Understand that you have already started your journey to remembrance.
The Law of Attraction
Dolores Cannon, and her daughter, Julia, have been preaching to their QHHT community about the concept of the Law of Attraction. This is not a new term, as it has been floating around the spiritualists for quite some time. However, we are still coming to terms with how to work with it. According to Dolores and Julia, the Law of Attraction states that the energy and thoughts you put out into the universe will come back to you in the form of experiences and manifestations. They emphasized that we are great and powerful beings of light, and so are our thoughts, words, and intentions. Just by speaking, or thinking, we can create our reality, whether consciously or unconsciously.
Now, this makes manifesting your ideal outcome, or reality, seem ridiculously easy. Which it is. But, why are there so many people out there struggling with starvation or a lack of a stable home? Well, it is very much about the experience they signed up for, as hurtful as that seems. We chose our lives and everything that comes with it. So, their mission here on Earth is to experience that particular life and to learn how to raise themselves out of their struggles. For that, they need to learn how to curb their thoughts, feelings, and intentions so that the Law of Attraction can work with them.
How To Manifest
To use the law of attraction to manifest the reality you want, Dolores suggests first becoming aware of your thoughts and beliefs. What do you think about yourself and your life? Are your thoughts positive or negative? It’s important to focus on what you want, rather than what you don’t want. This might seem easier said than done for most of us because we tend to get stuck in our negative self-talk. Once you start to catch your negative internal ramblings, the easier it will be to notice them in the future.
Next, visualize your desired outcome and feel the emotions associated with it as if it has already happened. Trust that the universe will bring it to you in the perfect way and timing. A lot of this is all about trust, and understanding the divine timing of the universe. Dolores also pointed out the importance of taking action toward your goals and desires, as the universe will provide opportunities and resources to help you achieve them. The higher beings want to know you truly want the life you are asking for. By aligning your thoughts, words, feelings, intentions, and actions with what you want to manifest, you can attract your desired reality into your life.
Trust that the universe will provide the resources and opportunities you need to actualize your dreams. All you need to do is maintain a positive vibration and keep an eye out for the opportunities provided. Have faith that they will manifest in the perfect way and timing.
The recording below has some more incredible information on this topic:
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Jade Small
I am a creative and a wanderer. Mysteries and connections are what inspire me to write. While on my path, my purpose is to bring you information to help inspire you on your journey on this place called earth.
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