Artists over the years have painted their depictions of the higher dimensions, with swirling light shows of pink and blue hues that give off these very ethereal feels. But what do the higher vibrations really look like? Or do they look like anything at all? We are physical beings with spiritual abilities, whether you know it or not, so surely we would be able to see these realms, even if just for a bit. Today we are going to clear up some confusions of the 4th, 5th, or even higher dimensions, what they look like, and how we perceive them.
Table of Contents
Are you New to the Concept of Higher Dimensions?
It is powerful to understand that there are no coincidences and that everything happens for a reason. The first thing that comes to mind is the way in which QHHT practitioners receive their information from the universe. This is something that all of us are capable of, so we are not special, or more worthy in any case. Some people are more aware of their abilities or their connection to the higher dimensions, and thus, able to use their psychic abilities with a bit more ease. The higher beings want you to know that even if you are less aware, that does not mean you are less capable, and they are keen for you to join them within their realm, or just visit for a while to learn some important stuff, until you return to them one day – as we all do.
Catching a Glimpse of Higher Dimensions
Now, we can try to finally grapple with the concept of what these higher dimensions look like, this is what we are here for right? Well, ultimately, these higher dimensions do not have to “look” like anything to you, but it will definitely feel like something. For a lot of people, the feeling is beautiful and warm. It’s an instantaneous connection coming through your heart. It is an energetic connection, where answers are just coming through to you in bursts, and you have a heightened sense of awareness. This might seem overwhelming when you first start receiving downloads but you just need to follow the feeling you have when you tap into those higher dimensions and everything will follow.
It is powerful to understand that there are no coincidences and that everything happens for a reason. The first thing that comes to mind is the way in which QHHT practitioners receive our information from the universe. This is something that all of us are capable of, so we are not special, or more worthy in any case. Some people are more aware of their abilities or their connection to the higher dimensions, and thus, able to use their psychic abilities with a bit more ease. The higher beings want you to know that even if you are less aware, that does not mean you are less capable, and they are keen for you to join them within their realm, or just visit for a while to learn some important stuff, until you return to them one day – as we all do.
Now, we can try to finally grapple with the concept of what these higher dimensions look like, this is what we are here for right? Well, ultimately, these higher dimensions do not have to “look” like anything to you, but it will definitely feel like something. For a lot of people, the feeling is beautiful and warm. It’s an instantaneous connection coming through your heart. It is an energetic connection, where answers are just coming through to you in bursts, and you have a heightened sense of awareness. This might seem overwhelming when you first start receiving downloads but you just need to follow the feeling you have when you tap into those higher dimensions and everything will follow.
Let’s go back to the parallel dimensions, the part where there are a seemingly unlimited amount of different versions of you all living slightly different realities. They are split into higher dimensional grids You are able to connect with each dimension or reality. In this Earth dimension, we can manipulate our reality to be a world without poverty, disease, overpopulation issues, viruses, and so on. The more you focus on the reality that wants the world to have, the more that reality begins to shift toward that Earth that you want. You might have to overcome some walls to achieve this, but those walls are your own belief systems and social conditioning. Remember, this can be overcome the moment you start to understand that you creating a grid of all the different realities, or what you believe to be possible.
It’s like when you are watching a scary movie. The feelings the movie sparks up create more segments to your grid, but they’re fear-based grids. But the same rule applies to when you are hanging out with some clever people who are successful in life, your grid grows in that direction. These new beliefs that you have adapted, open up more possibilities because you have been examining that way of life, and learning more and more by experience and being open to it. The more you lean into one area of your grid, the more you shift into that reality. Or, it is like when you move to a new country, and you make new friends so that you can “fit in” with that new reality. So ultimately, it comes down to what you choose to create as belief systems.
This is where it gets interesting. Where, here on Earth, we have all of these different realities that we can tap into, we also have these parallel versions of ourselves that are existing as different forms of consciousness, planets, and stars, and they are doing similar things, but by different rules, according to how that consciousness reacts. And like we have said, you are doing this all simultaneously. So, when you catch yourself going down a bit of a mental negative rabbit hole, remember that this life is only a tiny aspect of your higher self and that you can transcend that reality merely by controlling and making a desire of putting your thoughts in a particular place.
Understand that the higher dimensions are constantly sending information out, which may or may not come to us directly, but it often is something we connect with according to relevance, like something that you are doing or feel passionate about within your life. So, with the planet Sirius, for example, a planet that is not too far from Earth and has a nurturing connection to our planet, and when you feel a connection within your heart to water and the sensation you experience when you are touching it or swimming in it is a happy one. That could be you opening up a channel to the higher dimensional beings on that planet, who are sending you information through your heart, which gives you a glimpse of what their reality is like. And you are then reciprocating that information exchange.
The Higher Dimension of Stars
You could then apply that to every other form of consciousness, from Pleiadean to light consciousness, to all these different stars that connect with us. We all have star consciousness within us, even oversoul consciousness. When we look at the sun, we have been conditioned to think that the stars and the sun is equated with fire and heat. Like a flame that keeps the universe warm. That is a perception from our dimension, but stars also exist within different dimensions, and they exhibit different behaviors that are radically different, simultaneously, to exhibiting the behaviors of heat. So, stars also exhibit behaviors on higher dimensional levels to begin very cool, reflective, energetic spheres that share information and light in very holographic light exchanges, here the heat is not the predominant force, but rather the light and the color. And the image that has come through is almost like a blue orb.
Stars also communicate in other dimensions to ours, as a sort of liquid magnetic sphere that has these capacities expand out into the light and come back and condense, and the liquidity of it also forms ways of splitting itself up and experiencing itself in singular ways, like how we exhibit ourselves by splitting into an individual and experiencing that on Earth. Star consciousness also has that capability, which is why some people, through channeling and other means, will equate a star with a physical type of persona. And there are debates within the spiritual realms because we all perceive it differently. But there is no wrong answer because that star has the innate capacity to do all of those things and much more. It’s like you realize you have all of these varying talents, or that you can do anything you want. The star can do or be anything, it is just what is relevant for the message it is sending off according to the dimension it’s entering.
Connecting with Higher Dimensions
You have the power to connect to the much greater forms of you. You have a particular star as a form of consciousness that resonates more with you like a signature vibration, but you also have a lot of ancillary star relationships. If this makes sense to you and resonates with you, this is a channel opening up to allow this connection to happen more fluidly and to open up these different forms of reality where that is possible. You can walk right into those realities, all you need is to explore these feelings that you get when you connect with that energy.
Final Thoughts
Breathing into the connection is how you can strengthen your connection, a slow and smooth pattern, breathing deeply in and out. The breathing pattern is simple, and it’s that simplicity that helps you connect. Simplicity is your key to these realms, like maybe an ice-blue reflective sphere, that is almost transparent. Transparency is also a form that higher dimensions can appear as. Dimensions of transparency, where everything is basically nothing.
But ultimately, there is no right or wrong answer. All you need to do, in order to connect with these higher dimensions, is remove your limitations. Remove your belief that anything has to be a certain way and be open to anything because the higher dimensions can take unlimited forms. Be conscious of your beliefs. Do not be afraid to question your beliefs, allow the possibility to expand on your beliefs, or shift the negative ones into more positive forms.
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Kaya Wittenburg
“The purpose of my life is to be a vivacious and highly abundant business and spiritual maverick. Bringing the highest level of consciousness into the world for the greatest good.”
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