The spiritual journey we take throughout life is not as black and white as it seems when we are young. The beginning of life seems so simple, but as we progress we begin to add more experiences to our belts. Eventually, the contradicting opinions start to weigh us down and add uncertainty.
Table of Contents
Unalome, the Journey of Enlightenment
The journey of self-discovery is a never-ending one. We are always experiencing and, therefore, constantly learning. Each lesson brings out something new about ourselves that we weren’t aware of before. Or, at least, the awareness may not have been so This brings to mind a beautiful symbol that is based in the Buddhist religion. This symbol, known as the income, is the perfect description of why we are the way we are. While it may not describe us exactly to the tee, it describes the journey we go on in this life.
The Unalome symbol visually captures the journey of our lives and the continuous process of growth and transformation. Imagine it as a roadmap for personal development: the straight line at the beginning represents the simplicity and clarity of early life, where things seem black and white. As we step into adulthood, the symbol takes a turn into a spiral, symbolizing the twists and turns, ups and downs that come with the lessons and experiences we encounter.
These life lessons, ranging from beautiful to traumatic, shape us into the individuals we recognize today. The never-ending spiral reflects the ongoing nature of our learning journey, with each twist bringing about a remarkable transformation. It’s a visual reminder that our path is dynamic, and filled with opportunities for growth and self-discovery.
Be Who You Want To BE
Since we were little, we’ve been picking up more than just looks from our parents and peers—we copy how they act too. Whether it’s how we handle being upset, what keeps us going, or even how we munch on snacks, it all rubs off on us without us realizing it. As we get older, these ways of doing things become like a map for how we should act.
But here’s the cool part: we’re not stuck with just following the script. Living on this amazing planet means we get to choose who we want to be. Sure, we might carry on some habits from those around us, but they’re not set in stone. We have the power to shake things up. Our time on Earth is all about having the freedom to be ourselves. It’s key to realize that habits aren’t permanent. Whether they’re from our upbringing or picked up along the way, habits can change. Knowing that we can break free from routines that don’t fit us anymore is the first step to unlocking our true selves. It might take some time and effort, but it shows how strong we are and how the choices we make can transform everything.
You Are More Than This Life
If you have been following QHHT for a while, you’ll understand we have lived, and are living, many different lives from all over the galaxies. With simultaneous time being so vast, there are endless possibilities of the different lives that are deeply connected to you in this life, here on Earth. You may have noticed at some point in your life strange behaviors that aren’t one of the learned habits you picked up from your parents. These behaviors, that seem so ingrained into your being for no particular reason at all, have a big impact on your personality. But, where do they come from?
Well, as we mentioned the past lives, you may have taken a wild guess. One that’s actually not so wild. Each life we have lived is an experience added to the pile. We are not just one being, we are so much more than what our limited human minds are able to comprehend. However, that is slowly changing, and largely thanks to Dolores Cannon with her pioneering work as a hypnotherapist and co-founder of QHHT. We have learned so much about the universe and how each life affects us in ways we would never have guessed.
We are not just a parent, or a son or daughter. You are not just a lawyer, a doctor, an artist, or a teacher. You are so much more than your career. The same can be said about most areas of our lives. We are not a limited person who is bound by the restraints of one aspect of our lives. We are so much more than that!
Each life we live influences us in so many ways. This is because each life is just as important as the current one you’re living in this moment. The lessons we learn in those lives help to shape us into the person we know today. So, there might be a few quirks to your personality that are confusing because you did not learn it. However, you did at some point in the endless timelines of the universe. We carry through those lessons we learn into each life, especially the ones your higher self knew would be the most prominent in this life. Maybe you planned a particularly harrowing lesson for yourself to learn and that meant you would need a particular skill set.
In the end, it is important to realize that there is no limit to your possibilities of change. We are so many things aside from the most obvious. Do not limit yourself with restrictions and be open to the vastness that is your very being.
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Jade Small
I am a creative and a wanderer. Mysteries and connections are what inspire me to write. While on my path, my purpose is to bring you information to help inspire you on your journey on this place called earth.
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