You are a marvelous super powered antenna of light. Love, emotion, and energy. When you really stop and think about just how powerful of an antenna you truly are, you will realize that life can be lived by your own rules, and that others can greatly benefit through your positive energy and vibrations because whether you realize it or not, you are always having an impact on those around you.
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The question is, are you going to be aware of it, or are you just going to subconsciously drift, allowing yourself to get sucked into whatever vibration comes towards you?
You could rather choose to be a conscious being who realizes that their vibration, their emotion, and especially their words have power. We are all products of our words, because they are a big part of the law of attraction, which is something that we cannot avoid. When it comes to our topic for the day, soul reunions, this is where it gets interesting.
Your Vibe Attracts Your Tribe
The law of attraction shows us that we attract what we think, feel, and speak about. You are not alone in this phenomenon as it is a universal law. Having awareness over this can help you attract that which will serve you positively, and facilitate your growth rather than bring you down to a lower vibration. There are other people in this world who might be at the same point as you in your self-discovery and heightened awareness, and they are sending out signals, just as you are. These signals are like beacons for each of you to connect, and as this continues, your grid is getting bigger and bigger. You will have impulses that will lead you towards those people who are a part of your grid, who are a part of your tribe. These people seem to just understand you in a way that others (maybe even your own family) do not.
There are all kinds of people on this earth, so it is worth the effort of putting your feelers out there to find those who relate to you on an energetic level. When you come upon these like-minded folk, it’s like magic. You will see just how the conversations will flow between you and you will feel elevated because it truly is exciting to have a reunion with someone who has similar thoughts or desires – who seem to just “get” you.
You Are Not Alone
It might be easy for you to get sucked into the hum-drum of life, and even easier to allow yourself to sink further and further into a low-vibrational space, but life does not need to be “hard”. We can try to curb our idea of these hardships we go through to rather view them as challenges that train us to not get sucked into the pit of despair, and to maintain your high vibration. We have agreed upon everything that happens to you in life, and all we can do is manage how we react throughout.
The good news is that you are not alone. There are other people out there who have realized the same things that you have. And for you, reading this, there is a unity that our world of QHHT offers where we can come together and connect with higher dimensional and higher vibrational information that comes into us. This is the united force of those who follow or practice the teachings of Delores Cannon, QHHT. We are driven by a sense of curiosity and desire to go through life in a profoundly positive way, seeking to impact this world in a way that reflects that.
Coming Together
There is something marvelous over the fact that nothing can truly rattle you, that you can handle everything that comes your way. If you feel slightly overwhelmed, change your environment. A new perspective can make the world of a difference. A soul reunion can be the greatest confirmation and the best reminder of the power that we each have within us. They help us to remember who we truly are.
Communicating With Others
There are three components that make up your antenna. Three parts that the law of attraction is composed of that are absolutely worth noting and bringing into your sense of awareness. The first level is the internal energy within yourself. This is the most important aspect to focus on first because it is comprehending what is coming in and what you are putting out. It is understanding what you are processing as well as understanding your vibration during the process.
The second is related to what you are putting out, and how you broadcast out to another being. What is the quality of that broadcast to each individual person? Are you building them up? Or are you pushing them down? This is measured as a net sum. A lot of us tend to communicate by proving their point when it is really about defining your communication in such a way that has the impact of your desire, not your point. This is something that many people get wrong. The impact of your desire is very important for you to take stock of. Be aware of what your intention is behind your desires for each person and then work out the best way that you can convey your intentions so that the information you give them lifts them up toward a high vibration.
The third point is about what you are putting out into the collective. This could be about what you are putting out there on social media, your writing, or public speaking. It is important to take stock of your intention and make sure you are coming from a high vibrational place before you make those social media posts.
Final Thoughts
The next time you are wallowing in a rut of despair over the circumstances you have found yourself in, take stick of what you have been thinking, feeling, and expressing. This is the utmost important and influencing factor because we cannot escape the law of attraction. You, nor anyone else, are not impervious to this natural phenomenon, so the best way to deal with it is to bring to your awareness the way you are communicating with yourself and others.
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Kaya Wittenburg
“The purpose of my life is to be a vivacious and highly abundant business and spiritual maverick. Bringing the highest level of consciousness into the world for the greatest good.”
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